Matthew Badger (28 June 2015)
"I'm just saying!"

   The Bible is a collection of 66 books written by about 40 authors,in three different languages,on three different cont
 inents,over approximately 1600 years. Wow! You can look this up.
     The 39 books of the old testament were written by the prophets such as Moses,David and Isaiah.
     The 27 books of the new testament were written by those who knew Jesus or were under the guidance of those who did.
NOTE: The Bible claims to be inspired and inerrant. This means that the Bible claims to be from God and that it is without error in everything it addresses.
      Basically,the Bible describes where man came from along with his fall into sin,and out of fellowship with God. Because of this God promised the Israelites a future Messiah who would restore mans relationship with God.

      In the New Testament,Jesus,our Messiah was born of a virgin mary,died on across for our sins just as the Bible prophesied in the old testament.
The Bible is clear that Jesus is the only one to forgive your sins.     Acts 4:12 "And there is salvation in no one else,for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men,by which we must be saved."

      What I would like to show is a mathematical signature fingerprint of PI,3.14,or you could say after 3days 1comes 4fourth,found woven in the Bible.
Lets keep it simple to help understand this unveiling truth. One can figure what PI equals to the second decimal place by taking 22 divided by 7 equals 3.14
Most people you talk to don't understand where PI comes from. With that being said. It's the 10 commandments plus the 12 deciples divided by the 7 churches.
It's the Engineer who has 10-10ths in a foot plus the carpenter who has 12"in a foot that divided the 7 days of creation.
It's the Book of Revelation that  has 22 chapters divided by 7 churches equals chapter 3v14 That's the last church warning!

      When a person excepts the salvation option in the new testament. One could then say that a person believes in the second testament with 27 books.
This matches as in the days of Noah found in Gen 8:14 where their new beginning happens on the second month of the 27th day.  Also when Noah is loading animals by 2 by 2 and 7 of those. Even the divide of Gen chapter 6 and chapter 7. I'm still not sure why we switch chapters just because Noah and family got on the boat. This is the only 2 chapters i can find in the Bible where it uses 2 chapters for the same story. Note: The divide happens at the end of chapter 6 verse 22 divided by the 7th chapter.  Very similar to man being created at the end of the 6 day then they rest on the 7th day.

      Pi is woven into the human body if you will. Everybody has or try's to have 20/20 vision. forget about the zeros. Now you see 22.  The human head has 7 holes,including 2ears,2eyes,2nostals and 1 mouth. So your vision divided by the holes in your head equal your spine with 2 lungs equals three on the inside with 1 head on 4 limbs.  A design layout found in many animals also.

      In marriage you twos come together. Like he is a 2 and she is a 2 came together in a 7 day a week. Instead of being divided. Then you place alpha omega on their 3rd finger not the 1pinky out of the 4 your counting.  This is similar to when a person points their finger at someone in judgement. You have 3 fingers pointing back 1 pointing forward out of the 4 judging. What goes around comes around. PI again.
3 nails 1 Messiah on 4 limbs.

     We are now in the 3rd millennium just pass the 14th year.
The year Israel turned 67 years old. The Bible has a total of 66 book.
Psalms is the 19th book and chapter 48 say welcome to mount zion. When Israel became a nation in 1948.
19 plus 48 equals 67, when Jerusalem became their capital.
Psalms is the 19th book and chapter 67 is are blessed hope.
1948 plus 67 equals 2015.
    If this is the year we legalize gay marriage in all states, then this is the year we stopped recognizing what the Bible says.

    I believe there was a clue granted to us in the book of Revelation. All 7 churches had some overcome and some need a ear to hear.
Asking yourself Y an EAR to hear and you can see the word YEAR.   Israel was born MAY14 1948 PLUS 67 years equals ascension day this year.
Obviously we,the church are still here. But our country hasn't completely turned from God's word yet either. We will soon find out with gay marriage at the end of this month.
    May is actually the third month.  January and Febuary were added months in the roman calender. To help understand this. The oct in october equals 8 not 10. Making Israel's birthday PI . THIRD MONTH 14TH DAY. Cool!!

     Understanding significant numbers can take some time to study.   Another example of PI.
The book "Numbers" is the fourth book in the Bible. So one could say after 3books 1came 4th called numbers.

     Another very common thing that people have used. A simple deck of cards.
52 cards in a deck = 52 weeks in a year.
4 suites with 13 cards = 4 seasons with 13 weeks.
Most people never make that connection. Look just turn the 4 seasons of 13 weeks around and you will see 314.

     My final example of 10+12=22/7=3.14 is this.  Every human goes through their teenage years where many committed their first original sin against God.
These are their troubling tribulation years divided by seven years.  Count them. It would be thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen and nineteen. Amazing how everybody goes through 12 years before they enter the TEN AGERS years that are divided by 7.

     I believe our country is in the troubling teenage years of 2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018 and 2019. We are rapidly approaching the mid teens.
There maybe a turning away from the word of God our country has never done before.

     Lets pray the supreme court rules against gay marriage. If they don't!

I'm a watchmen waiting!  Thanks for reading this.
Love, Matthew Badger