Luis Vega (28 June 2015)
"THE TETRAD CLOCK - Countdown to the Last Harvest"




The 4th Watch of the Night leading to the New Dawn of Light

by Luis B. Vega for online PDF illustration in chart section

Jesus said to them, "My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to accomplish His work. "Do you not say, 'There are yet 4 months, and then comes the Harvest '? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest. Already he who reaps is receiving wages and is gathering fruit for life eternal; so that he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together.…  -John 4:34-36

The purpose of this illustration is to layout astronomically the 4 total lunar eclipses that make up the Tetrad of 2014-15 based on the 4 Watches of the Jewish night 12 hourly count of time. The chart accompanying this study seeks to show the possible patterns of just how the 4 lunar eclipses or Tetrad  are juxtaposed to the Jewish year count. The Tetrad Clock is based on the Creator’s time schedule of 12 months reflecting the 12 hours of the night. Why this could be prophetically significant is that the 4 months that Jesus referenced to the end of a harvest is perhaps prophetic code for a countdown to when the ‘harvesting of the Bride’ is to take place; if not in 2015 then perhaps in a future year that will have similar celestial signs corresponding the 4th Watch.

The point is that no year in the near future has such a convergence of signs as the Fall of 2015 with its corresponding 4th Watch and final total Blood Moon of the Tetrad. Each of the remaining 3 Holy Feasts of Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot correspond to a celestial event and/or an eclipse that are unprecedented. Rosh HaShanah on September 13, 2015 will start the ‘Year of Light’ 5776 that is accompanied by a partial solar eclipse. It is also the 7th Sabbatical cycle of 7 years. Yom Kippur on September 23, 2015 thus will correspond to when the Jubilee is to be proclaimed based on the completion of the 49th year since the Temple Mount was liberated in Jerusalem. Yom Kippur is the time of the unveiling when Mankind can approach the presence of YHVH face to face and it occurs exactly on Fall Equinox. Then Sukkot on September 28, 2015 will have the final 4th Blood Moon that is a Super Moon and concludes in the end of the years’ harvests.

In each of these Holy Convocations of YHVH, the rehearsals depict a facet of the Rapture of the Groom Jesus and the Bride. This study will focus on Sukkot as an alternative timing and possible sequence related to the Rapture that may not have been seen before. The emphases will be on the 4 month countdown because the last harvest concludes on Sukkot. It is the time of the in-gathering of the last harvest and the ceasing of the labor of the workmen in the fields and vineyards. Thus this study strongly suggests that the 4 month harvest countdown from June 1, 2015 concluding with the Feast of Sukkot could be related to the fulfilment of the Rapture is some way by then.

The Coming Dawn
The Tetrad Clock is superimposed onto the divisions of the 7 segments of time reflecting the 7 days of the Creation Week and the 7 Holy Convocations or ‘Rehearsals’ of YHVH. This study suggests that the Tetrad is in fact a sort of countdown to the ‘end gathering’ of the yearly agricultural harvest cycle to conclude on Sukkot. On one level the 4 month harvest countdown is based on the 4 Watches of the Jewish night watch as stated before. Moedim are actually dress rehearsals of the true type that have been fulfilled and will be fulfilled in Jesus Christ. It is also interesting to note that in the circular rendition of the Tetrad Clock the 3 Spring Feasts and the corresponding 3 Fall Feasts occur at an approximate angle of 33 degrees arc.

The Tetrad Clock timelines are only suggesting the possible prophetic and Biblical countdown to the Harvest, which is the Rapture that in turn will lead to the revealing of the AntiChrist, the start of the Tribulation, and the 3rd Temple by some estimation. The duality of this alleged prophetic countdown is striking. The Luciferians are also looking forward to their new day, their ‘New Dawn’ much as the Bride of Christ is too. The true Light of the World, Jesus will bring light and light and immortality at the point of the gathering up of the harvest of the Bride. So too Lucifer, the false dark light, aka ‘Light Bearer’, will sell wholesale his coming ‘New Dawn’ to the world which will eventually turn to darkness, enslavement, blood and carnage. When the 4th and final Blood Moon is synchronized with the final 4th Watch, the time corresponds to Rosh HaShanah.

This is the Civil New Year which will be 5776 and is deemed the ‘Year of Light’ as if a ‘New Dawn’ or perhaps the New World Order of the Luciferians is to come about. This Tetrad Clock is suggesting that there is a convergence of synchronized schedules of times. These are the 7 day week, the 7 Holy Feasts, the 12 hour time of night and the 12 monthly segments of a year. The emphasis of this study and illustration will be on the 4th Watch as that is the darkest time just before the break of dawn, a new day of light. This 4th Watch is to be taken thus as a metaphor of what is to come, the true and false type, Christ’s and the AntiChrist’s. It is suggested that in terms of the Church history and the Bride of Christ, this time in these Last Days have been the darkest since Pentecost 50 days after Jesus’ resurrection.

In similar fashion perhaps the culminating 50th year to start in 5776 will see the dawn of a new light in Heaven for the Bride as her commission ends at the of this prophetic 4th Watch of Church history as the New Dawn or Order begins for the AntiChrist system. Why this Tetrad Clock is construed is because since Pentecost, there are 4 months remaining until the Fall harvests concluding on Sukkot. One observation of the 4 Watches of the night illustration is that all but the 4th Watch has some form of a Holy Feast of YHVH. These 4 Blood Moons also correspond to the Solstices and the Equinoxes of the general year. What this pattern suggests is that the 4th Watch that corresponds to the 4th Blood Moon is the final one that happens to emphasize several layers of fulfillment. It will be a Super Moon. It will be on Sukkot that signifies the last harvest of YHVH’s Biblical year cycle. It is an in-gathering of the fruit where the Feast lasts 7 days in which booths are constructed and on the 8th Day, the King of Israel salutes the Assembly on Mt. Zion.

The Convergence of Events
What is also unique about this time superimposed by the Tetrad Clock to the year count is that from the 3rd Blood Moon corresponds to the June 21st Summer Solstice. With this time scale, a very unique timeframe emerges from the 3rd to the 4th Blood Moon solely based on a yearly calendar count. This timespan is exactly 100 days to Sukkot or 2400 hours or 144,000 minutes. These numerical factors are very striking. Can it be that there is to be a 100 day countdown from the June 21, 2015 Summer Solstice to Sukkot? Can it be alluding that this prophetic countdown of the Tetrad Clock based on a 2400 hour or 1 prophetic day being left or perhaps the last day that the Bride is to be ‘harvested’? Can it be that at that time the 144,000 minutes are foreshadowing the anointing of the 144,000 Jews from the tribes of Israel that are to be sealed at a specific time after the Rapture?

Has the prophetic ‘day’ of the last harvest finally come and the Bride ceases from her labor in the vineyard and field as she is gathered in, gathered up literally? The last hour just before the break of dawn will be the 11th hour. This hour is often referred to and referenced as the last moment of salvation or decision to be made before ‘time’ runs out. This 4th watch culmination leading up to the 12 hour or 1st hour of day break where light is seen corresponds to Rosh HaShanah on the 7 fold Holy Feast days superimposed time schedule within the Tetrad Clock. In the Fall of 2015, on September 13, the ‘Year of Light’ will commence, 5776. This 2 day Holy Feast of the blowing of the Shofars is in approximate phi ratio to Yom Kippur which is the 49th years (7 x 7 Sabbaths of time) from 1967 when Old Jerusalem and the Temple Mount was liberated from the Muslims by the Jews.

This Tetrad Clock also has some other day counts that will accompany the illustrated timeline to ascertain if any possible number, date or mathematical relationship exists. These events have to do with some signs and apparent play on words of events that might also foreshadow an ominous judgment to come at the end of the 4th Watch for the USA and the world. One has to do with the winner of the Triple Crown, American Pharaoh and the other is the U.S. and foreign Special Forces Jade-HELM 15 military exercises. American Pharaoh won the Triple Crown foreshadowing the rise of the AntiChrist along with the False Prophet and the 4 Horseman of the Apocalypse on June 6, ’15. This date can be construed as a 6-6-6 code referencing the number of the coming ‘Pharaoh’ AntiChrist.


The number worn by the horse was 18, another encryption of a 6-6-6 designation. Interestingly, from this June 6, 2015 (6-6-6 code) date of the Triple Crown to Sukkot, on the last Blood Moon and end of 4th Watch of September 28, 2015 is 114 days or 3 months, 22 days (322) Skull and Bones code. What is also possibly corresponding with the Triple Crown aspect is that the Pharaohs wore a version of a Triple Crown much like the Catholic Popes do today. It was fashioned from the Crown of Ba'al, also known as the Papal Tiara. The Popes claims to be the very Vicar of Christ on Earth that is in place of Christ or as Anti-Christ. Other event associated possibly prophetically with the 4 month countdown is the Jade HELM Special Forces operation throughout the southwest from July 15, 2015.

The Coming New Dawn
Jade HELM will be officially a 12 week span of time to terminate on September 15, 2015. This is on the eve of the last day of Rosh HaShanah that ushers in the Civil New Year of YHVH on September 13, 2015. This day also happens to have a partial solar eclipse and is the end of the 7th 7 Sabbatical year cycle making 49 years or a Jubilee. This Jubilee of the year 5776 is to be proclaimed on Yom Kippur. What is fascinating about the timing of the Jade HELM training is that it is designed in particular for a rehearsal of acquiring a Full Spectrum Dominance of the Human Domain. This military operation against sovereign citizens and residents of the USA on USA soil is now the realization of Battlefield USA were eventually every person across the layout of the land is to be dominated in real place and time. Those opposed to the Federal government’s agency and policy will be deemed Enemy Combatants and flagged for either extermination or re-education.

The U.S. military has been purposely purging any moral compass or Christian witness within its ranks that could prevent their Luciferian plans from succeeding because 1 with the LORD Jesus is the majority and such are a spiritual restraint to full-on evil. The ultimate aim of the Luciferians and Money Changers is to take on the U.S. Christians, gun owners, Patriots and those opposed to the coming New World Order the USA will be part of. Like with Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot and Hitler, slowly but surely gun rights will be banned and the people will be led to the slaughter. Mathematically the official start date of Jade Helm is no coincidence as it has the signatures of the Luciferians and Money Changers that also function on their numerology timetables. For example Jade HELM is in phi ratio from the June 21, 2015 Summer Solstice to the eve of the end of Rosh HaShanah.

There are other day counts that are also in approximate phi ratio of time and not a coincidence as the Luciferians also peg their diabolical plans to the celestial clock of the Sun, Moon and the Stars. In such a case, the Pope is scheduled to address the UN on Global Change and population reduction, Agenda 21 propaganda that the Georgia Guidestones is predicated on. How such numerology is also seen is that from comet ISON’s perihelion on Hanukah of November 28, 2013 to when the Pope will be addressing the UN General Assembly is exactly 666 days. What is particular about this date and time of the Pope’s address that as the wearer of the Triple Crown himself, on that Sabbath Eve, from Friday, September 25, 2015 to when the horse American Pharaoh won the Triple Crown on June 6, 2015 (6-6-6) is exactly 111 days.

This 111 day count is 2664 hours or another 666 code where the 2 and the 4 = 6 plus the other two 6s = 666. Now as to the significance of this 111 count of time? Yes, there is and it is prophetically astonishing. According the site on Biblical numerology, 1 is the singular notion of unity and oneness as in the GOD-Head or as in a new beginning or ‘order’ of things. An 11 thereafter is its opposite as in disorder, chaos and judgment. This is exactly what the world, Israel, the AntiChrist and False Prophet will have to come to grips with. Furthermore, 11 is associated with the rebellion of Nimrod, the 1st Mason that tried to open the portal or Gate to Heaven and unleash the Titans much like CERN is attempting to do today.

The Coming Defiance and Darkness
The time of Nimrod was a time of overtly defying YHVH’s will as it will be during the reign of the AntiChrist as the False Prophet will pave his way. This same spirit and attitude is present again now in the USA and the world at large. This darkness and defiance is against YHVH’s and His People. His precepts and morality are considered politically incorrect now. Indeed, there will be a new beginning, a ‘New Order’ after the Rapture that will be orchestrated and ushered perhaps by a Pope and a despot ‘Renegade’ President much like Nimrod. Interestingly, Nimrod was from the descendants of Ham that eventually migrated to Africa. Nimrod attempted to usher in Lucifer’s New Dawn and gather the world to himself against YHVH. Lastly there are 11 points of the final judgment and Wrath of the Lamb seen by the Apostle John in the book of Revelation 20: 12-14.

These will be the last judgments just before Jesus returns with the Saints at the Battle of Armageddon to defeat Lucifer’s Nimrod and False Prophet. This is precisely alluding to the time of the Tribulation, especially the Great Tribulation when the Wrath of the Lamb will be poured out on the AntiChrist’s kingdom as the
multifaceted Babylons will finally fall. In other mathematical proportions of time, the partial solar eclipse on 5776 that occurs on September 13, 2015 is in approximate phi ratio to the Fall Equinox on September 23, 2015.  Also the 4 month countdown from June 1, 2015 is in approximate phi ratio to the 3rd Blood Moon of the Tetrad and to Sukkot on September 28, 2015. The 4th and final Blood Moon of the Tetrad will be a Super Moon.

The Coming Harvest
Pentecost in Acts 2 was the First-Fruits of the wheat harvest. It signaled a much broader harvest of souls to come that incorporated Gentiles into the commonwealth of Israel’s Promises and Covenants between YHVH. This wheat harvest concludes by the time of the in-gathering at Rosh HaShanah. The subsequent harvests then focused on the olive and wine harvests still to be harvested in order for the prophetic 4 month countdown to be completed entirely on Sukkot. Could thus the 4 month countdown that is synchronized to the Tetrad Clock’s 4th Watch see this in-grafting period of the Bride to cease from her labor and be gathered in at such a time? This stipulation is based on the observation that Pentecost was apparently accompanied by some celestial correspondence through the explanation of Peter that for such a reason perhaps is why he referenced Joel 2.

Could the Church period have also the types of not only the barley and wheat but the olives and the wine components too? The point is that as then, now the LORD is about to gather in the laborers, the olive and the wine to complete the Gentile Bride. This is based on the observation of the 4 month countdown in sync with the 4 Watches of the prophetic night and the 4th Blood Moon on Sukkot of 2015. The point is that the remaining types of harvests are specifically and precisely accompanied by celestial signs in the Sun, Moon and the Stars as it was in Pentecost by way of Joel’s account in some prophetic way, literal way or perhaps both. Could this be signaling the end of the Church harvest as the Tetrad, Jubilee and correlating times converge and the new dawn of the Year of Light comes upon the Earth, 5776?

A Labor Completed and Started
This study is not insinuating that the Rapture will occur on or by Sukkot 2015 but that based on the 4 month countdown synchronized to the Tetrad Clock, it is a high watch time. From the time of Pentecost, the harvest type is specifically associated with a Gentile element that was to be included in the ‘harvest’ of the LORD at some point in time in the future. Could this current ongoing Feast of Pentecost Church Age conclude at the end of the Tetrad which is the 4th Watch that ends on Sukkot, the Feast that punctuates the end of the harvest cycle for the year, perhaps the Age? The Tetrad Clock is suggesting that it is a type or rehearsal of this pattern. From the 3rd Blood Moon to the last Blood Moon of the Tetrad is exactly correlating to the Last Watch of the night in Jewish keeping of time. It is a countdown to a last harvest. The prior harvest seasons started with barley at Passover and wheat during Pentecost.


The Fall harvests are associated with the grape and olive harvests. Furthermore, in Acts 2 the prophecy of Joel 2, alluded to by the Apostle Peter was fulfilled on Pentecost and that the harvest of the Gentiles i.e., to be comprised of the witness of the New Man in Christ, both Jew and Gentile began with inferences to celestial solar and lunar eclipses; perhaps it will also at its end. The Tetrad Clock and 4 month countdown to Sukkot on September 28, 2015 perhaps signals the end of the prophetic year’s harvest cycles of the witness of the Bride during the Church Age. As then, now the transference of the labor of Jesus’ testimony continues but back to Israel. The giving of the Holy Spirit that descended on the 120 Believers gathered in the Upper Room was given to Christ’s Witnesses as it will be given to the 144,000 to be anointed to witness in the Tribulation as the 120 were the First Fruits of all those that will come out of the Church Age.


After the in-gathering of the Bride, the 14,000 Anointed will be the First Fruits of those saved during Daniel’s last prophetic week of years. Back then during Pentecost, the Disciples witnessed to Israel during the Feast as Jews from around the world had gathered in Jerusalem. The point is that such a similar time of transference of Yeshua’s witness to Israel is about to commence based on the patterns of the Tetrad Clock and 4th Watch of this present dark and evil time. It will be also accompanied by power and glory as the Bride is gathered up to be empowered and glorified at last. Sukkot lasts for 7 days. The 8th Day after is when the King of Israel assembled all of Israel with the household gathered around the Temple as He read from the Law and the Prophets.

Will there be an 8th Day that will see the Bride on the Heavenly Mt. Zion being saluted and addressed by King Jesus? The Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot took place around September of each year. It is a 7 day period commemorates the building of the Tabernacle in the wilderness. It was considered the culmination of the yearly harvest cycles. This feast or appointed time is always a dress rehearsal of one day King Jesus, the Messiah of Israel that will gather His Bride to Mt. Zion. Will this year’s rehearsal be the real one as the LORD gathers His Bride? As Sukkot lasts 7 days, will it correspond finally with the prophetic 7 year duration alluded to by the Prophet Daniel as the Bride is safe and secured in the Chamber Booths Jesus went to His Father’s House to build? It is always interesting to contemplate different Rapture timing scenarios. Most traditional speculation of when the Rapture is to take place is believed to be on Rosh HaShanah for obvious reason. The following are various day counts of events associated with the Tetrad Clock and 4 month countdown.

The Festival               The Season                                        The Biblical Source
Pesach                        End of Winter/ start of Spring             Barley harvest

Shavuot                       End of Spring/start of Summer           First Fruits of Wheat harvest,

Sukkot                         Feast of Ingathering                            Gathered in of labors from the field                    
                                                                       and Wine harvest


From 2015 Summer Solstice to last Blood Moon of Tetrad
or the prophetic 4th Watch

Jun 20, 2015 to Sep 28, 2015 = 3 months, 8 days
100 days
144,000 minutes
2400 hours
100 days
14 weeks and 2 days

Tetrad Duration
Apri14, 2014 to Sep 28, 2015 = 532 days
1 year, 5 months, 14 days
~18 moths or 6-6-6 pattern
76 weeks
532 days/7 =76 days as in year of 57-76

American Pharaoh Triple Crown
June 6, 2015 (6-6-6 Code) to Sukkot, last Blood Moon and end of 4th Watch
Sep 28, 2015 = 114 days
Or 3 months, 22 days
(322) Skull and Bones code


4 Months
to Sukkot end of Harvests = Sep 28, 2015 - 4 months or 120 Days = June 1, 2015


Comet ISON
Nov 28 Perihelion on Hanukah + 666 days  = Sep 25, 2015 (Pope at UN)


Spring Equinox Eclipse
Mar 20, 2015 + 188 days = Sep 23, 2015 Yom Kippur (Jubilee)

Fall Equinox

Summer Solstice Jun 20, 2015 + 100 days = Sukkot Sep 28, 2015


Jul 15, 2015 + 12 weeks = Sep 15, 2015


Triple Crown American Pharaoh

Jun 6, 2015 (6-6-6) to 5776 Sep 13, 2015 = 100 days

It is Time
This study has suggested that the Feast of Sukkot along with the 8th Day Shemini Atzeret for 2015 specifically are in tune with the Rapture typology. Foremost, Sukkot is the Feast of Ingathering, that which is to occur at the time of the Rapture. It is also the time when the workers of the vineyard and the fields cease from their labors. It also the time of the wine harvest. Prophetically the Rapture could be time to a place and time much like the marriage of Cana where the LORD Jesus performed His 1st miracle in turning the earthen clay pots of ordinary water to choice wine. It was a transformation much like what is going to happen at the time of the Rapture where the Apostle Paul describes the metamorphosis of the body putting on incorruptibility and light, as if from ordinary water to choice wine for the Master.

Then on the 8th Day, the Assembly is gathered in ceremony for a Holy Convocation as the kings of Israel saluted and addressed YHVH’s People at the Temple. This is not to say that the Rapture, if it occurs during the Fall of 2015 Holy Weeks will occur on Sukkot. Perhaps the Tetrad Clock pattern and the 4 month countdown might only be yet another sign or parallel of a coming prophetic converge. If the Rapture does not occur during this time of specific and precise celestial signs, it will for sure occur at some point in time and hopefully soon. As for time,
human history has always been highlighted by YHVH’s men and women who have been called to be a Witness against the evils of their generation. Time markers have accompanied such persons that have also been corresponding to signs, celestial and/or prophetic.

Such personages have always been opposed by the counterweight Lucifer has interjected at each facet of time and events with his evil men and women. In these Last Days, it seems different as there is no clear leader of the Christians in the traditional Biblical narratives. This might be one reason why many Christian communities such as the ones in the Middle East have been slaughtered. Perhaps if there was 1 overall leader, it would be different. The reason is probably because the Body of Christ is so diverse and global. Nonetheless it is incumbent upon each Disciple of Jesus to sand up in these last dark days. YHVH’s People need to be like Esther and have the attitude of ‘if I perish, I perish’. True Christians need to be like those little Arab Christians, 5 to 9 years old that were tied up and lined up and given the ultimatum, renounced Jesus and submit to Islam. Their reply was, ‘we love Jesus more’.

It is hard to get to know a person if one does not spend time knowing him or her to the point of loving that person. In the time of Esther there was perhaps some measure of legitimate fear, intimidation and reluctance on GOD’s People to flee Persia or Esther to move on behalf of YHVH’s People. The point is that it is now as it was then. Evil men and women have risen up to systematically annihilate YHVH’s testimony. The Middle Eastern Christian Church is all but decimated. What will follow next is the united assault against Israel that could be the Psalm 83 War. This has been allowed by the LORD as a foreshadowing of the need to have the full measure of Martyrs as seen in of those beneath the Altar in the book of Revelation. Many Christians are heading the call to leave the USA for example for safer lands; many are already there.

Having the Mind of Christ
Such in this 11th hour are standing on the promises and admonition of the LORD’s command to flee Babylon as many have concluded that the USA is such a metaphor. That might very well be the case but prophetically, GOD’s People should be in the state of fleeing Babylon constantly from its economic, spiritual, religious and political entanglements and/or sins. If the LORD is entreating many to leave, they should. If any are compelled to stay, they should. As it has been exemplified of people in a burning building, people flee from it but then there are the Fireman and women. They are the ones that run into the burning building to perhaps save and snatch some from the flames of Hell. The LORD is calling this Last Days Testimony, this Candlestick as seen in the first 4 chapters of Revelation to persevere; it will be the Bride’s ‘finest hour’.

The Testimony of YHVH’s true Bride and her light will shine until the very last day of the harvest to come. Even if it means like an Esther in this 11th hour of harvesting time, if she perish, she perishes knowing that to ‘live is Christ, to die is gain’. No one is seeking martyrdom or should but dark days are ahead and based on all converging signs to start in the Fall of 2015, the world will not be the same thereafter. The time of the 4th Watch and 4 month countdown is just the calm before the storm. It will not be business and life as usual for Christians especially as it will cost many to be identified as ones. It would be wonderful if the Blessed Hope did finally occur in the Fall of 2015. It would appear to be in sync with what is planned next by the Luciferian global minions that will implement their Satanic agenda to enslave the world, economically, politically, religiously and psychologically.


This coming transference of Yeshua’s Witness after the Rapture will be during a time when there will be a Full Spectrum Dominance in the world. With the NSA and technology of today, it will involve digitally and scientifically profiling of the masses using the latest technologies that will subjugate most if not all of humanity, primed for the Beast system of control to be given to the AntiChrist. Although the research over the years of these eschatological studies has pegged the year 5776 to be the end of the Church Age based on patterns of celestial eclipses, cardinal crosses, comets, repeating mathematical patterns of numbers, etc., there could still be time remaining were the persecution seen in the Middle East will occur in the USA before the Rapture occurs.

Many erroneously believe that the Church is either already in the Tribulation or that the Seal judgments have been broken and that the Bride will go through the first part of the Tribulation. Some even believe the Bride will have to ‘endure’ down to the very end of the Great Tribulation to be ‘saved’; some Blessed Hope. Such do not fully grasp the concept of the harvest and their corresponding prophetic types and times. Some misunderstand the patterns and types and shadows of how YHVH saved and ‘raptured’ His People at certain critical time markers of human history. Will He not do the same in the end of time in the 11th hour? Will Jesus, the Groom allow His Wife to be suffer the same wrath that is to be poured out on the AntiChrist, the world and Israel?  Those that refute a pre-Tribulation Rapture emphatically argue that there is ‘no 7-year pre Tribulation Rapture’.

The Bride’s Last Stand
Many believe that there is no verse to support such a pre-Trib Rapture doctrine. In that case, there is no Trinity then as the word Trinity is not mentioned in the Bible so it must not and cannot be possible. The Apostle Paul however states that Jesus’ true Disciples do have the Mind of Christ. Yet there is always the discrepancy and inability to fully understand YHVH”s mind and plans at times. As it is designed, the Church is only allowed to see in part, as through a foggy mirror or glass. Nonetheless the LORD has given His People a glimpse into His plans by way of His harvest schedule infused in His yearly Feasts or appointed times to learn from the rehearsals. These appointed times are predicated on time markers or clocks that are related to certain accompanying signs, celestially and prophetically.

Thus as the Tetrad Clock that ends in Sukkot 2015 could be suggesting that what is left to be fulfilled is the coming confirmation of the Covenant. This transference of time will start the Tribulation clock with its first half and the Great Tribulation or the 2nd half. This last prophetic week of Daniel is pegged to the Sabbatical cycles and cannot start in any other time sequence. This means that if the Rapture and Covenant are not initiated in 2015, then they cannot until 2022 based on the Sabbatical cycles of time. Or perhaps it’s a 3.5 year time after 5776 because many believe the first 3.5 years was fulfilled in Christ’s first coming. Nonetheless, the start of the Tribulation is to correlate to the start of the literal breaking of the Seal judgments. They are opened by the Lion of the Tribe of Judah as the Judicial Court convenes in Heaven after the Rapture.

As the LORD opens the door of Revelation 4 to call the Bride up to be the ‘Witness of what must take place thereafter’, the LORD will thereafter open the door to the Bottomless Pit to also raise up the imprisoned demons ready to be unleashed upon the earth. As the Seals are prophecy, its types and shadows have reverberated down through human history since the Seals were revealed to the Apostle John. The Church since the 1st century has endured tribulation; the LORD even said it would. All throughout the Church Age, such tribulations have been allowed to be used to refine and purify the Bride as she has made her garments pure as snow and has ironed out every wrinkle. Sadly there has been that opposition within and without all the way through her history as her accusers have sought to defile and destroy her Testimony about Jesus such as in Esther’s day.

Now this time is upon the American Church, the Testimony of Jesus in the United States. What will she do?  Will she seek to save her live or to lay it down? If the LORD tarries and the Rapture does not take place in the Fall of 2015, there will be martyrdom in the USA of True Christians. If need be, many Christians will lay down their lives then. This will only and can only happen because such are and have been laying down their lives already; dying to self and are those that take up their ‘Cross’ on a daily basis. May the Bride of Christ shine her light in this 11th hour. May she reflect the character of Jesus against His accusers and those opposed to His Testimony in the 4th Watch as it was with the LORD in His 4th Watch of the night in the Garden of Gethsemane.


It was through prayer, standing up and not leaving that He obtained the victory and gave the example to His Disciples. Jesus saw the joy to come beyond the cross that despite the work of darkness, the true New Dawn was to come thereafter as His sacrifice on the cross secured the harvest of His Bride.

‘Behold, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands; Your walls are continually before Me. Your builders hurry; your destroyers and devastators will depart from you. Lift up your eyes and look around; all your children gather and come to you. As surely as I live, declares the LORD, you will wear them all as ornaments; you will put them on, like a Bride’. -Isaiah 49:16-18

Some Resources