Ed C (28 June 2015)
"Don't Participate: Ethnic Group Against Ethnic Group"

How do I get my Christian friends to understand that all of this fluff about the flag is a continuation of Satan's attempt to start a racial war in this country?  Dylann Roof's direct attack on Emanuel AME was designed, by his own words, to start such a conflict.  The family did not co-operate. Instead of lashing out, they forgave.

Satan did not give up.  He immediately turned his attention to the confederate flag as the cause of the attack.  As always, the Mainstream Misledia championed the idea of blaming the flag, and have been running with it ever since.  

We as Christians need to stop looking at this from the physical world view and see it for the spiritual attack on our persons and our country that it is.  While you are obsessing over the flag, the Supreme Court is contemplating a ruling which could be devastating to the 1st amendment.  Is this world really worth all of this effort?  Can you not see that with arguments for and against, you are actually enhancing Satan's efforts to stir up hate one against another?  Jesus said in the last days "nation would rise against nation."  The greek word translated nation is ethnos, from which we get our word ethnic.  That is, ethnic group against ethnic group.  Do you really want to participate in that? 

It is time to pray, and follow the AME example, forgive.  Seriuosly, consider taking your eyes off of this world and putting them back on Jesus, as He is surely returning soon.

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, honest,  just, pure,  lovely, things of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. (Phillipians 4:8)

Ed C