Ed C (28 June 2015)
"The Fourth Dawn"


The Fourth Dawn


Last night, I had a dream.  Though dreams seldom stay with me these days when I wake, a particular aspect of this dream remained.  The dream revolved around an advertisement I had been constantly seeing for a book titled, The Fourth Dawn.  I am not a big reader, hardly ever read, but in the dream, I went to a bookstore to search for this book.  Other than that, weird dreaminess happens which is probably not pertinent to this writing.


I remembered upon awakening, the Fourth Dawn, and began a search to see if such a book existed.  As it turns out, it does. The Fourth Dawn by Bodie & Brock Thoene, based on the synopsis and reviews, it apparently is a dramatic piece  about the announcement to Mary, mother of Jesus, that she would be giving birth to God’s son.  In other words, it’s about Jesus first visit to Earth.  Interesting, since I believe He is returning very very soon.  


Back in the days when I did dream study, one of the main questions to ask was, “Why this dream now?”  So, here’s the sum it up; I know nothing of the existence of this book.  I don’t read books so why am I dreaming about a book?  The book actually exists.  It is about Jesus coming to Earth.  Is this just a dream, or is the Holy Spirit asking me to tell you that I dreamed about Jesus coming to Earth (Christmas) as an announcement to you that He is ready to return again, and soon?  Is that why this dream now?  Remember, it is unusual for me to remember specific details of a dream. I guess you pray, and discern for yourself.


Here is the book synopsis from Amazon, where you may also go to get several reviews with a bit more detail:


In their most dramatic, ambitious, and significant historical series to date, Bodie and Brock Thoene once again transport readers back in time to first century AD and the most critical events in the history of the world. In Fourth Dawn, Herod, the king of Judea, plunges deeper into madness as people wonder, Where is the promised liberator? As signs appear in the heavens, Mary of Nazareth receives an unusual visitor. What he tells her will change everything about her life . . . and impact all those in Judea and beyond for eternity!


Note: When I earlier wrote the essay From Tragedy to Triumph: The Power of Forgiveness, I felt a strong urging from the Holy Spirit.  I do not feel that with this, only that it should be shared as someone else may have a confirming witness.


The Fourth Dawn – Bodie & Brock Thoene



Home Church: Seacoast – Asheville Campus