Ed C (28 June 2015)
"Tragedy to Triumph: The Power of Forgiveness"


Politicians would have you believe the issue is guns, or a flag, but they are wrong.  The issue is good verses evil.  So we ask, why Charleston, SC?  Why Emanuel AME church?   Why now?  May the Holy Spirit of God direct this writing which endeavors to answer those questions.


For many years now, Satan has been desperately struggling to rekindle the flames of racial hatred in our America.  His efforts have been fruitful to an extent, but not enough, and certainly not fast enough.   So the Demon in Chief concocted a plan, a scheme, to hasten this end goal.  Satan decided to strike the root of black Christianity in America, Emanuel AME Church; the oldest African-American Christian community in the United States.   As such, Emanuel is the root of the vine which spreads all across the country.  “I will poison, pollute the root”, the devil surmises, “and in doing so, the entire vine will be corrupted with hate, and thoughts of vengeance and revenge.”  The Evil wants a race war.  We know this is true because he told us, in the words of his accomplice, Dylann Roof.  “I wanted to start a race war”, he said.      

Dylann Roof is invited into the bible study.  He wrestles his demons for about an hour, before he finally succumbs to their demands.  He gets his gun.  He fulfills his mission. 


The deed is completed.  Nine of God’s children are dead.  Now all Satan needs to do is sit back and smirk, watching his plan unfold.  And, true to form, here they come.  The News Media barrels into Charleston just itching to stir the pot.  What caused this they ask?  Is it guns?  Is it that flag?  They are so predictable, and Satan knows this.   He also knows that they will give the history of the church, which they do.  In so doing, the devil believes that even the black Christian community who may have never heard of this church, will recognize it is their home as well, their mother church, the root of their vine.  “Let the hatred begin”, he thinks. 


Now the Media has found their prey.  Family members of those assaulted within the church.  “How does this make you feel?”, they ask, waiting for the vitriol to spew.  Satan, on his toes in anticipation…   “I forgive him” came the answer.  “NO, What??  You what?  You forgi…you can’t say that!”  Satan now begins to tremble.  Sweat pours down his thorny brow.  “You can’t forgive him!”  Another reporter finds another family member and again, “I forgive him.”  And on and on it goes.


Satan is now beside himself with fear.  You see, he’s had this experience before.  A man named Stephen, you’ll recall from the Act of the Apostles, was teaching the elders in the Temple about Jesus and how Jesus was the Christ, the long awaited Messiah of the Jewish people, but before Stephen could finish his message, he was dragged out of the city and stoned to death.  Just before he died, Stephen reported that he saw the heavens open, and Jesus, standing at the right hand of the Father.  Stephen prayed to the Lord, Forgive them, they don’t know what they are doing.


Now, almost all preachers who teach on this passage claim that Jesus was standing to receive the first martyr of the church.  That may be true, though the bible does not say specifically, but it might also be that Jesus was preparing to answer the prayer.  Consider this, the bible says that those throwing the stones laid their coats at the feet of a man named Saul.  Saul, also a Pharisee, was overseeing, condoning the actions of these murderers.  Following this event, Saul made it his mission to imprison and even kill as many followers of the Nazarene as he could.  You know the story.  While traveling to Damascus, Jesus showed up on the trail and began a three day prayer meeting with this man Saul. Afterwards, Saul’s name was changed to Paul, and Paul the Apostle writes two thirds of the New Testament.  This is the power of forgiveness.  Stephen’s prayer for forgiveness was answered in a powerful manner.


Now in Charleston, SC Satan finds himself again faced with the power of forgiveness.  The family forgives.  The city forgives.  Forgiveness is running rampant throughout the country.  Satan must have forgotten that there is a reason Charleston is known as the City of God.  Not only has the root of the vine not been poisoned, it has been strengthened, powered by forgiveness. 


All of the above has been written because it is my belief, after much prayer and meditation, that the Holy Spirit would have me say to Emanuel AME church that God the Father is overwhelmingly pleased with you, because you understand the need, and the commandment, to forgive; and since you have honored Him and His Son and His Holy Spirit, through this powerful force, God is going to foster in you a new great awakening.  Nine seeds have been planted, those who are now with Jesus in heaven.  Those seeds are watered and nurtured by the forgiveness the families and others have shown.  Emanuel will be the root of a new vine, which will blossom first in Charleston, then spread throughout the country.  The Spirit of God wants you to prepare yourselves.


The world does not understand forgiveness, but you do, and through you they will learn.  God will be glorified.  This tragedy will become your triumph, for it is written, “All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. “ 


God bless you and keep you Emanuel AME.


Your brother in Christ,

Ed C 

Home Church: Seacoast – Asheville Campus