Charles (28 June 2015)
"Do Psalm 115 and 116 point to the rapture?"


I have often heard and seen a correlation between the Psalms and this millennium psalm 115 to 2015 etc. I decided to read them tonight. I cannot but help see a rebuke of idols and a declaration of the Lord doing as He pleases followed by Psalm 116 a thankfulness of the redeemed as another clue to the nearness of the Rapture event. Everything seems to point to this year and next. You cannot fake a tetrad. Of the most frustration I have is the lament of Obadiah not that I am fit to tie even His shoe but His cry echoes in my heart. How long Lord do I warn mostly to apathetic response the answer. Until the cities are as wastelands with no inhabitant. It seems the more evidence you provide of the nearness of the Rapture the more they discount it.

Unless you have watched and read hundreds of hours of video news and the bible and turned off lamestrem news you have no clue Jesus is at the door. And people want to go on here. Those seeing Jesus nearness want to go to His place. The world is not watching for Jesus and many watching see the most objections from those who have a simple He will come when He does my focus should be here rational that has no grounding in scripture Jesus said watch wait pray that you may be accounted worthy to escape the hour of trouble coming. Our heads and focus should be where are hearts are.

Jesus is coming the signs are obvious if you are watching. But most are totally focused here and it's fulfilling bible prophecy it's just hard to endure. I understand now Jesus saying we danced in your streets and we mourned no matter what approach was taken they did not hear and understand I understand now Jesus crying over His people how He would have taken them under His wing but they would not come.

I sadly see little difference in today and perhaps more apathy. If you are warning follow Obadiah until the last trumpet calls you home try and gently nudge those around you awake. Seek the Lord while He may be found. Study to be a workman approved. A tv show profits nothing an hour in prayer and study and seeking bears eternal fruit from a repentant heart.