1 Cor 10:31 (28 June 2015)
"Follow up:  People get mad over nothing"

Hi everyone, last week I wrote this:  http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/june2015/1cor1031-621-4.htm

And amidst any (if there are any) responses, I wanted to say that this particular friend & I made up – actually it turned out to be a mere misunderstanding!!   Assumption on my part.  So, I was glad about that.


But now before you guys go rolling your eyes at “girl fights” ~ let me say that I have experienced (more than I care to admit) where a person ~ GOOD FRIEND at one time, has gotten mad & instead of choosing to talk it out (especially considering all we’d been through together!!)  chose instead to blow up like a giant bullfrog & hold LOTS OF ANGER and animosity towards me…..  thus forgiveness goes out the window!!   Which hurt even all the more, because it made me realize it wasn’t THAT great of a friendship as I’d figured it was, or else she would not have done that.  Either that, or she just flat refuses to forgive (…??)  Guess I’ll never know since she won’t talk to me.


At any rate, b/c I’ve experienced that, this is why I am extra sensitive to it.



One more thing:  very recently my SIL had major surgery, so we visited in the hospital, and in their home, took meals by, took her back to the hospital 2 more times….. actually all our involvement was physically taxing…… yet the other day  (true to my original article)  she cut me off STONE COLD!!!!  Now chooses to no longer respond to anything.


Reason:   I shared info about the rapture & how to be saved with her in a letter tucked away inside a book. 


Let me say that if I would have loved myself more, I would have continued to let her be “in the dark” and would have kept salvation & rapture info to myself!!!   It was b/c I loved her more that I decided to share.


Yet:  OUCH!!   I am the butt of the family now!!


You ex-catholics out there will understand that my SIL & family are all RC.

At least now they cannot say they’ve not heard about salvation & the rapture/  Sadly, I rather expect they’ll be left here (in fact, I’d surmise all my extended family & in-law family will be).   Yet  with many prayers, I hope the rapture WILL **WAKE THEM UP** and be the catalyst they’ll need to TURN TO JESUS…… and not to the False Prophet & antichrist!!


Soon, now, people:   SOON!!!!