Randy (29 June 2014)
"Iran ALREADY has a Nuclear Bomb.......don't kid yourself!!!"

    Great Article:
Author:  Dr. Peter Vincent Pry served in the CIA, the House Armed Services Committee, the Congressional Strategic Posture Commission, the Congressional EMP Commission, and is the author of Electric Armageddon and Apocalypse Unknown both books available through CreateSpace.com and Amazon.com.
Best quote: 
Historically, the U.S. intelligence community has underestimated and been surprised by foreign nuclear weapon programs. They were surprised by the first Soviet A-bomb test in 1949, by the Soviet H-bomb test in 1955, by China's first nuclear test in 1964, by discovery after the 1991 Persian Gulf War that Iraq under Saddam Hussein was within 6 months of developing an atomic bomb, by Pakistan and India's nuclear tests in 1998, and by North Korea's nuclear test in 2006.
Iran, with access to copious unclassified information on nuclear weapon designs, working with 21st Century technology, helped by the A.Q. Khan network, North Korea, Russia, and China, supposedly has been unable to build the bomb -- after thirty years of trying. This is an implausibly optimistic assessment.
North Korea developed its first nuclear weapons in no more than 8 years. (But waited 13 more years to do a test! Iran is AT EVERY North Korean Nuclear test!!) 
My Comment: 
So why hasn't Israel already attacked Iran?    Because they must expect that Iran ALREADY has Nuclear Bombs/Missiles. (So it's a standoff?  Israel has undeclared nukes.....and Iran has undeclared nukes....)
How will Israel initiate an attack then?   They will BEGIN with an EMP explosion high over Iran to knock out EVERYTHING electronic before they then attack.  (this has been much discussed for a few years now!) 
WHEN will Israel initiate an attack?  Just guessing here.......  soon?  Sometime after the Negotiations come to a complete stop.
And what happens then????    God steps in miraculously to SAVE Israel as Iran retaliates with its own bombs.....and the Rapture happens sometime near this event....if not shortly before.
Could it be in 2014?????     It's been TWO years since Netenyahu told the United Nations "the red line" for Iran was very near to being crossed.
OH....the WAITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
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