Randy (15 June 2014)
"Prophecy being FULFILLED Right Before out Eyes   !!"

Pope uniting all world religions.....    WHAT??? 
Didn't he say earlier this year "the atheists can get to heaven,too?"  POPE Francis has said in a letter to a left-wing daily newspaper that atheists would be forgiven by God if they followed their consciences.         
The bible, in Revelation 17 and 18, talks about a harlot church that rules the spiritual world. She is wealthy beyond description, and all the kings and mighty men of the earth want to be in a spiritual bed with her. The bible says that she is a city that “sitteth on seven hills”, and is “drunk with the blood of the saints”. This can only be one system, one place, one church – the Roman Catholic Church whose Vatican headquarters sits on the famed Seven Hills in Rome.
Tick Tockkkkkkkk.........        All the Dominoes continue to line up....getting closer and closer....and bigger and bigger...
Just waiting for WHAT to knock them all down?    THE RAPTURE!!     15 month window still for the Blood Moon Tetrad.  Could it be this FALL, spring 2015.......or FALL 2015???   If not, what does the Tetrad "point to?" 
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