Patty RP (29 June 2014)
"Ebola:  “Out of Control”"


Dear Doves,

Gotta love that “without borders” thing. Here we go….

GENEVA - The World Health Organization on Thursday called for "drastic action" to fight the deadliest Ebola outbreak on record, as it announced an 11-nation meeting to address the growing crisis.

As of Sunday, 635 cases of haemorrhagic fever (most confirmed to be Ebola), including 399 deaths, have been reported across Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, making the outbreak the largest ever "in terms of the number of cases and deaths as well as geographical spread," WHO said.

"Drastic action is needed," the UN agency stressed in a statement, warning of the danger that the virus could jump to other countries.

Earlier this week, medical charity Doctors Without Borders (MSF) also said the outbreak of the virus, which is deadly in up to 90 percent of cases, was "out of control".


No medicine or vaccine exists for Ebola, which is named after a small river in the DRC.


Patty RP