Pastor Bob (29 June 2014)
"Reply to jfh"


Please do read my 3-posts on the truth about the Geneva Bible.  It is not accurate in literally dozens of ways with the Textus Receptus (the Masoretic Hebrew text/and the Stephanos Greek text).  I could writer three more posts on the massive discrepancies of the Geneva Bible.  I doubt whether there are any respectable theologians alive today that would allow their name to be associated with the Geneva Bible.  It was endorsed by a committee that were interested in making money of gullible Christians thinking they had the best Bible because the Pilgrims carried it under their arms at Plymouth Rock.  They had no choice in the matter - it was either the Geneva Bible or nothing at all for the next fifty years.  There was nothing published after the KJV Bible was released in 1611 until well into the late 1800's.  No one, man, publisher, ever tried to revive the Geneva Bible because it was simply a dog of a translation.  It was the original study Bible, bad as it is, but is seriously flawed. 

In my three posts on the Geneva Bible, I have shared enough information to prove the Geneva Bible is neither trustworthy, accurate, both in the text as well as the study notes by John Calvin.

The King James Bible is the nearest thing to the Truth of God, beyond the original Textus Receptus we will ever get because of the language barriers of Victorian England old English.  Nothing is as accurate as the KJV Bible.
It's Heptadic "numerical value" of the original Hebrew and Greek text have been validated and confirmed by computer programmers at Stanford University in California.

As to your continued effort to beat a dead horse, all three "He's" in Daniel 9:27 refer back to the Antichrist.  Daniel's Seventieth Week, which is yet to come.  The wealth of evidence is on my side of this argument.  The SDA's, the Preterists, and the Covenant/Reformed, and Pre-Wrath advocates that want the rest of the world to believe that Jesus Christ came back in the first century do not have a stitch of evidence to prove that.  Ask yourself, if Jesus came back in the first century, why hasn't any evidence been produced to prove it?  It certainly would have been a big deal, huge deal for such a significant news event since there would have been Christians still alive that would have known about the crucifixion. 


Pastor Bob