KML (15 June 2014)
"" The New World Order " continuing from ???NO WONDER???""

In the King James
2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore if any man be in Christ, HE IS A NEW CREATURE(:) old things are passed away; behold ALL things are become New.
Yet notice that the NIV or NEB is trying to get you to understand that God is trying to bring in a New World Order.
( by the way that is what Hitler called his reign over Germany and his future reign over the world. He called it the New World Order.)
The King James bible says,
Hebrews 9:10
Which stood only in meats and drinks, and divers washings, and carnal ordinances, imposed on them Until the " Time of Reformation."
Talking about when Jesus brought in the New Testament.
YET the NIV called it..... Until the Time of the New Order.
I believe in these new translations, the Devil is saying that he is bringing a New world Order.
There is even a NEW Bible called " God's Word for a New Age." It is a New Age Bible.
The Devil is bringing in all the religions in the world. We know from the scriptures, that there is going to be a New World Oder Political system, and New World Order religious system.
It will be a combining of ALL the religions of the world ( into ONE.)
We are seeing this now even in the News, with the Pope and Islam meeting in Rome, and some of our TV pastors agreeing in prayer with the Pope to come TOGETHER in faith.
                        The EYE in the Cap Stone
Science Digest-- Genesis Awakened
Forbs Magazine-- The coming Light Years
They' are talking about a time of Illumination.
That ' is called The Cap Stone of a Pyramid.

SO... If I were to reference to you something about a Cap Stone, and you were in a Secret Society such as Free Masonry, or you were in some Illuminati organized group, and they Speak in a Different Language of Symbols, and we hear a President Stand and Speak of a New World Order, HE is talking in a Secret Language that he knows and some other people know, But; most everybody else will Not know.
God said in Isaiah 28:16 KJV
Therefore thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I LAY in Zion a (Foundation) A Stone, A tried stone, A precious CORNER STONE, a sure foundation(:) He that believeth Shall Make Haste.

When we think of "The Cap Stone" like on our dollar bill, it is on TOP of the Pyramid. But God said he has Laid a FOUNDATION STONE, A TRIED STONE, A PRECIOUS CORNER STONE, A SURE FOUNDATION.
NOT a Cap Stone !    Psalms 118:22 KJV
The STONE which the builders REFUSED is BECOME the head stone of the (Corner.) Which Isaiah said that IT is on the FOUNDATION.
1 Peter 2:7 KJV    Unto you therefore which Believe HE is PRECIOUS :
BUT unto Them which be " Disobedient," the same is made the head of the corner. STILL on the Foundation.
YET the NIV says;
1 Peter 2:7
The stone the builders rejected has BECOME the Cap Stone.  WHAT ?!
Jesus is NOT that Third EYE in the Capstone !

* Vera Alder-- A modern Witch and author of " Understanding the New Age; says...
* Symbols (are used) to Conceal Certain Knowledge from the masses.

In other words, the Secret Elect have a Symbol, and when they use that symbol, they know what it means; but the masses, the people driving down the road, or what ever, they don't know what that symbol means. The people who put it there, do know.
                     Lets concentrate on the Symbol called "The Triquetra"
When you pick up a copy of the " New King James Bible," you will more than likely find that Symbol on that Bible.
Now I know the New king James Version ( in most cases) matches perfectly with the KJV. But, what we see in the NKJV is AN ATTEMPT to still remove people from what I' believe IS THE STANDARD, which (is) the KJV Bible.
It is ONE stepping stone to get you to COME DOWN from the KJV which I' believe is the pure word of God.
Just Some Examples:
1. Hell" is omitted "22" times
2. Blood" omitted "23" times
3. Repent" omitted "44" times
4. Heaven" omitted "50" times
5. God" omitted "51" times
6. Lord" omitted "66" times
7. The Words Devil- Damnation- JEHOVAH- " New Testament" are completely omitted.
God's own name Omitted !
So... A Jehovah's Witness could come to your door and say; Hell doesn't mean a place On Fire, it means Grave, and they could go to the New King James Bible in (22) places and prove it to you.

                        What Does That Triquetra Mean ?

"Triquetra Journeys"    Lorna Roberts (website)
* Represents the power of Three- United Together
* Used in Witchcraft to represent the Feminine Deity.
There is a more Secret Symbolization in this Triquetra but I will remain with our subject. It is very vulger and nasty, but there is a reason why feminists use this Symbol. You will find it on the cover of "The Aquarian Conspiracy." A book written by Marilyn Fergason in the late 70's and came out in 1980, and it's still being published now.
In this book she has detailed what all The New Age movement, all the Aquarians, The Illuminati, all the Secret Societies, are trying to do. How the New Age movement has gone INTO THE school houses, Government secters, and she said it is in the Churches also. Note: She used this Symbol on her book.
Remember God has given US' a "Sure word."
If I' say that Christ died on the cross for your sins, and that God so loved the world that he gave his " only begotten Son." We could all say Amen, because your Bible says the same thing that my Bible does.
There is an Agreement. Can two walk (together) unless they be agreed?

* Vera Alder-  " Most neo-pagan religions are based on custom and experience rather than the written word."
Witchcraft and Wicken religion is exploding in teenage girls right now. It is exploding in church teenage girls.
The Book "Teen Witch" written by a wicken to teenage girls and part of the book tells them that if their parents go to church, I'm going to teach you how you can sit down with your parents and get them to accept your New Religion. 

We used to be a country of the Bible; now we have become a country of witchcraft.
The False Profit in the Last Days is using Signs and Wonders.
"Experiences" and Entertainment to follow this Beasts System that is coming in the Last days. WHY ?
Because he has successfully REMOVED the written Word from the Hearts of People. And it is ALL related to the "SYMBOL" of the Triquetra.
                                 The Hierophant
                                 The Fool
Notice in his hand; he is holding a wand with a "TRIQUETRA" symbol on it.
Notice also on the (4) corners of the card you see an Eagle, A Man, A Lion, and An OX.
Where in the Bible are those spoken of? Ezekiel, and John the Revelator we are allowed to SEE the Throne of God, with God sitting ON the throne, and supporting that throne were (4) living creatures/ Beasts.
1. an Ox
2. Eagle
3. A Man
4. A Lion
THEY, are saying that the Hierophant (is) God.
Do you know who this is Really? The Devil. Notice he has positioned himself TO SIT IN THE SEAT of GOD !
The Triquetra in his hand.
You will see this Symbol in Churches, ministries all over, and in Christian rock groups. There is a Christian group called Avalon, who uses the Triquetra as a symbol.
Avalon IS A BRIDGE TO THE UNDERWORLD. What does a Christian group have to do with the theme of "The Bridge to Hell?" And Notice the Symbol they are using to do it with. The Devil doesn't have ALL his EGGS in ONE basket.
He is using Bible Translations
He is using Christian Music.
He wants into the church.

WHO is the Hierophant ? And What does he Represent in the mystery Religions?
* He teaches matters of Faith, religion, belief, and morality. He is a wise teacher, full of esoteric and occult knowledge. He aids in understanding the occult Mysteries. He holds the "keys" to "Transformation."
* He oversees the initiation of people into the Mystery Religions of Ancient BABYLON.
ESOTERIC means: Secret Hidden Doctrines
Notice He holds the "Keys" to Transformation. What was he holding in his hand? The " Triquetra" Symbol. The Triquetra is the Key to Transformation.

Remember the False Prophet doesn't force people to take the mark, he CAUSES them.
Which means This World is being taken on a ride towards initiation into the New World Order, Beast Power Religion that's coming on the earth.
Aleece Bailey-
* These Mysteries will be RESTORED to outer expression through the medium of the CHURCH.
* Because the Christ (is) the Hierophant of the First and Second initiations, HE will administer the First initiation in the Inner Sanctuary of the Church.

If a thief called you on the phone and said, I'm coming to rob you; you would probably say, Your Lying!
But the Bible says to sit up and wait at midnight.
YOU CAN BELIEVE (THEM) OR NOT, BUT "THEY' SAID THEY WERE COMING INTO THE CHURCH. And I' believe they are (here.) To begin the Initiation process.
I' say (WE) God's people, better be on "Their" guard and watching, Because our Adversary the Devil is as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

In the "Triquetra" you can see (3) numbers, 666.

                The Explanation of Why the Triquetra is on the Bible
* According to Thomas Nelson Publishers.....
* The Triquetra is an ancient Symbol for the Trinity.
It comprises (3) woven arcs, Distinct yet Equal and inseparable. Symbolizing that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are (3) distinct yet equal persons and indivisibly One God.
So.... they say it is an Art Work that "tries" to show you the Trinity.
What God says.....
Acts 17:29 KJV
Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think the
"Godhead" is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, GRAVEN BY ART and man's device.
So man said we have come up with a piece of Art Work that Represents the Trinity. Yet God said don't bother. God said ,don't grave Art Work to try and show the Godhead, because we can't do it.
We have our Bible. The 4 books of the Gospel. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Interesting that there are (4) verses in the Bible that speak of Another Gospel.
2 Corinthians 11:4, Galatians 1:6,8,9
The Word of God is Warning us of Another Gospel coming into the Church.

Lets remember the Hegalian Dialect.
God's way on One side-----The Devil's way on the other
And he MUST bring God's way OVER to his way with the New Synthetic Doctrine.
This same Dialect was present in Genesis 2:16 and 3:1
God said in Romans 10:17 KJV  So then Faith cometh by "hearing" and hearing BY THE WORD of God. What word are you hearing? in this New Synthetic Doctrine, and can you even Find God's word there?
I think Not.
If you don't think the Word of God Is PURE, You have no faith.
Where do you draw the line on what you believe in the Bible, and what you don't believe in the Bible?
Remember what Jesus said;
Man does not live by bread alone, but by Every Word that Proceedeth Out of the Mouth of God.
I have spent all this time telling you about what is in all the other Translations, the conspiracy that's going to try and transform the church. I would like to end this letter with what you Can Believe about the Bible.
As a Christian, I am believe what God tells me to believe.
If God doesn't tell me to believe it, then I am not supposed to believe it. And Psalms 118: 8 says, IT IS BETTER TO"TRUST' IN THE LORD than to put confidence in man. Because Man is "wicked" and God has Mercy.
You may be thinking, Who in the world is KML? and why do I need to listen to you?
I have NO authority, but God is Greater than all, and he chose the foolishness of preaching to spread his word.
Isaiah 53:1 KJV
Who will believe OUR report? and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?
I say; it is revealed to all who have the Eyes to see, and the Ears to Hear the Words of the Living God. 

God Bless You