KML (15 June 2014)
"For Gino and Doves "So "They" say, there is NO perfect Bible ?""


Dear Gino
How eloquently you had written. I think I' may not have responded as well.  when that which I' hold precious to me, is brought under attack, I' have a tendency to get my feathers ruffled a bit. I believe I' can say without any timidity, that WE have a More Sure Word of prophecy than most. When we consider the number of Translations subject to this " New Synthetic Doctrine ," which basically teaches that we need to use ALL translations of the Bible, in order that we will be able hear God's Voice somewhere in there. They say we do not have The Inspired Word of God NOW. It has not been preserved, and it has faded away. Sad, sad......
I am most thankful to our Lord Jesus Christ "The Word" who assures us all, that we can know, that we have The word of God, and that it will stand forever.
The Bible teaches:
1. Inspiration
2. Preservation
3. Translation
 What say we let God speak for himself, Amen ?
2 Timothy 3:16
ALL scripture (is given) by (inspiration) of God, and (is profitable) for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.
God breathed those very words that the disciples and prophets wrote.
What that means is that where the word is, the breathe of the Holy Spirit also breaths life into it.
Isaiah 51:16
And I' have put My Words in Thy Mouth,( the transmission process) and I' have covered thee in the shadow of mine hand, that I' may plant the heavens, and lay the foundations of the earth, and say unto Zion, Thou art my people.
Notice that God said, " I' have put MY WORDS IN THY MOUTH."
My words------- Thy mouth.
It's the doctrine of Inspiration.
Jeremiah 1:9
Then the Lord put forth his hand, and touched my mouth. And the Lord said unto me, Behold, I' have put MY WORDS in THY MOUTH.
So then they are NOT Jeremiah's words are they ? They are God's words, the method of Inspiration and Transmission.
Here is A typical " Doctrine of Faith Statement"
* We believe the scriptures to be the inspired, inerrant word of God, in the original manuscripts.
I can say that I believe this statement as we are dealing with it right now.
I believe that when Jeremiah took that pen, and wrote on that papira what God had told him to write, THAT was the inspired word of God. So as this statement currently stands right now, I believe that the original manuscripts were the inspired word of God. BUT, it doesn't stop there. We must deal with PRESERVATION.
Again lets let God talk.
Psalms 12:6,7
The words of the Lord are (pure words) as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them O Lord, thou shalt Preserve them from this generation for ever.
God is teaching us the Doctrine of Preservation.
Matthew 5:18
For verily I' say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one Tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
That's what God said, right? Jesus said it, he said it wouldn't pass till it's all fulfilled.
Matthew 24:35
Heaven and earth shall pass away, But My Words Shall Not Pass Away.
That" is " the Doctrine of Preservation."
I mentioned this earlier in 2 Timothy 3:16 where God said: All Scripture (is given) by inspiration of God. Given is a gift word in the Bible.
( The Scripture is STILL given by inspiration of God.)
Our Bible is a gift of the Spirit of God.
The fact is that neither I' nor you earned this precious Book.
We didn't earn " The Words of Life that Peter talked about, and we don't deserve it, we don't have it coming, God Gave it to us as a Gift. A gift of His Holy Spirit.
Allow me to show you from the scripture itself that the Bible is a gift of the Spirit of God.

I think you are going to like this.
Now lets go back to this "Doctrine of Faith Statement" we looked at.
We believe the Scriptures to be the inspired inerrant word of God in the Original manuscripts.
If we went to a website of colleges, Christian ministries, organizations, churches, denominations and ask for a copy of their faith statement, almost without fail they will have almost the identical wording in that they say.....
We believe the Bible is the inspired word of God in the original manuscripts. PERIOD and they end it there.
BUT..... what their not telling you is that in our colleges, in our denominations, in our Christian leadership ministries, radio ministries, TV ministries, book ministry, you name it, Christian youth organizations; They say they believe the Bible is the inspired word of God in the original manuscripts, but, WE DON'T HAVE ANY ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS, and they say, we believe that errors have crept into the manuscripts, the copies, sense then; so right now, we really don't have the inerrant word of God.
And They HAVE NO SCRIPTURE evidence to support the statement.
So if God said it is this way, and man says it is this way, Who is right ?
God is right !
Let God be true but every man a liar. Romans 3:4 KJV  

There have been debates, discussions, and heated arguments by people who will say, You know, the Bible does have mistakes in it, it's got errors in it, it's got verses that are not translated right, it's wrong here, it's wrong there. We have evidence, we have manuscript evidence that there is mistakes in it.
But there has never been anybody give or show one verse in the Bible, or give  any indication WHERE GOD EVER SAID THAT HIS WORD WOULD EVER (CORRUPT) IN ONE SMALL WAY.
Nobody has ever shown one verse, in fact you can't.
We do find these verses in Deuteronomy 32:1-6 KJV  where God prophecies of his doctrine and his speech (unto the foolish and unwise.) " My doctrine shall DROP as the rain, my speech shall DISTIL as the dew, as the SMALL rain upon the (tender) herb, and as the (showers) upon the grass.(:)
This IS NOT Corruption  of his word, But of (foolish people) who REQUITE the WORD of God. WHY ? Because verse 3)
Because I' GOD (Publish) the name of the Lord (:)
They can't show the verse in the King James Translation that (says) the Bible has got a mistake in it.
They will say the rendering between first and second Kings and First and second Chronicles; that there are passages in there that don't agree with each other and that proves that there are mistakes in the Bible.
You know what ?
Rule # 1
There are no mistakes in the Bible.
Rule # 2
If one (thinks) they found one, refer back to rule # 1.
Let me show you why there are not mistakes in the Bible, but there are mistakes in our minds.
There is not mistakes in the Bible Doctrine, but there are mistakes in our doctrine.
And you know what? I don't think I have it all right in my doctrine. I'm probably wrong somewhere, and I am sure there are those who will tell me where I'm wrong, Amen?
Allow me to show you what God did. 1 Peter 2:6 KJV
Wherefore also is contained in the scripture, Behold, I say in Sion a chief cornerstone, elect, precious(:) and HE that believeth on him shall not be Confounded.
Notice that Peter is saying here, That if WE just believe Jesus, we will never really be confused.
7) Unto you therefore which believe HE IS precious(:) but unto THEM which is Disobedient, the stone which the builder disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner,
8) And a stone of STUMBLING, and a rock of OFFENCE, even to THEM which stumble AT THE WORD, being disobedient(:) whereunto also THEY were APPOINTED.
I Believe This Bible Is Precious ! This Book.....saved my life, literally. It is Precious to me.
Some might find verses in the Bible that seem to not go together, but I tell you, that if one goes to the Bible to look for mistakes, God will let them see some that they (think) are mistakes. Because (they) will be like Israel.
Israel couldn't see the Messiah, because Jesus was standing the way.
You know what our theologians, preachers, and Bible colleges are doing now ?
They can't see the Word of God because the Bible is standing in their way. And they have tripped, and stumbled over the very Book that God said; IS THE WORD OF GOD. They are called " stumbling stone" verses. So again,
Rule # 1 There are NO mistakes in the Bible and then Rule # 2 if you think you found one, refer back to Rule # 1.
                                      Copyist Errors
Here is what they say:
Well trained textual critics operating on the basis of sound methodology are able to rectify almost all misunderstandings that might result from manuscript error....
# 1 Who are the well trained textual critics ?
#2 Why are they criticizing the Bible anyway ?
#3 What is the sound methodology ?
Isaiah 29:11 KJV
And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee(:) and he saith, I cannot, for it is sealed.
This is what is coming out of our Bible colleges.
" you can't really understand the Bible, so why even bother."

OK, lets talk about the Original manuscripts.
* Most of the Original manuscripts were written on papyrus.
A grass like plant that grew in layers, and they would split it apart and weave it together. The word papyrus is where we get the word paper, and paper doesn't last very long. Papyrus is a type of grass.
Lets look at what God said: Isaiah 40:8 KJV
The grass withereth, the flower fadeth(:) BUT the word of our Lord shall stand for ever.
God NEVER one time promised that the Original manuscripts would be preserved for ever, because they were written on grass, and he said " grass will wither away. So God was not interested in preserving manuscripts. He preserved his word. The Word still stands even though the originals are no longer there.
Flowers fade away also, and what is coming out of our Bible colleges, are those that believe IN A Bible that has faded away. But, the Bible says..... Woe to the crown of pride, to the drunkards of Ephraim, whose glorious beauty IS A FADING Flower, which are on the head of the fat valley's OF THEM that are overcome with wine !
We will see them get up behind pulpits and say, O' Praise God; I' believe in the inerrant word of God, but we don't have it in our hands NOW.
This is exactly what "they" are saying.
God said to Habakkuk 2:2
And God answered ME, and SAID, "Write" the vision, And Make It Plain upon Tables, (that HE may run that READETH it.)
THEY say, NO translation is Inspired Translation, Only the original languages.
Again; NO scriptural support for this statement.
I' believe that " those " tables on which Habakkuk WROTE, is in My hands today in this precious book the Bible.
I' believe in Translation, and I' believe it according to the word of God. I' believe that the Bible was translated correctly, and I' hope to prove it to you.
God said in Isaiah 28:11 KJV
For with stammering lips and ANOTHER tongue will I' speak to this people.
God said he would speak in another language, another tongue.
In 1 Corinthians Paul is quoting that.
1 Corinthians 14:21 In the law IT IS WRITTEN, with men of other tongues and other lips will I' speak unto this people; and yet for all that will they Not hear me, saith the Lord.
God said he would speak in other languages/tongues.
A partial fulfillment of that was in Acts 2:4,8 They began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit (gave) them utterance.
THEY walked out and began to preach The Word of God, NOT IN THE ORIGINAL HEBREW. There were 17 different languages they were preaching in.
WHO GAVE THEM UTTERANCE ?   The Holy Ghost did.
And those men standing there said, HOW hear we every man in our own tongue ? where in we were born.
Those people were the RECEPIANTS of God Translating the Bible. They got saved Because God Translated the Bible.
You know what ? I' got saved, because God Translated the Bible in my tongue; English.
                                Translation = Interpretation
Genesis 42:23 And They knew not that Joseph understood them; for he spake unto Them by (Interpreter.)
Daniel 5:25-28 And THIS is the Writing that was Written, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN. 26) THIS is the Interpretation of the thing(:) MENE; God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it. 27) TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting. 28) PERES; Thy kingdom is divided, and (given) to the Medes and Persians.
We use that word to go from one language to another.
But the Bible uses the word " Interpretation.
Daniel 5:7  The King cried aloud to bring in the astrologers, the Chaldeans, and the soothsayers. And the king spake, and said to the wise men of Babylon, Whosoever shall READ this writing, and show me the (Interpretation) thereof, shall be clothed with scarlet, and have a chain of gold about his neck, and shall be the third ruler in the kingdom.
Matthew 1:23 Behold a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, Which being (interpreted) is, God with us.
Mark 5: 41   And he took the damsel by the hand, and said unto her, Talitha cumi; Which is, being (interpreted,) Damsel, I say unto thee, arise.
God IN HIS WORD is (translating) for us, that we know what it means.
Mark 15:22   Golgotha. Which is, being (interpreted.) The place of the skull.
Mark 15:34   Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani ? which is, being (interpreted,) My God, My God, why hath thou forsaken me ?
John 1:38   Rabbi,( which is to say, being interpreted, Master,)
THESE are not English words, but God is interpreting them in his word.
WE for the most part, do not speak Hebrew, but NOW we know a few, because God Interpreted for us.
There are more verses, but let us continue.....
When the Bible uses the word INTERPRET, it means going from one language to another.
                                  A Gift of The Spirit

What are the Gifts of The Spirit ?   1 Corinthians 12:10
1. The working of miracles              3. Discerning of spirits
2. Prophecy                                     4. Divers kinds of Tongues
                                                        5. Interpretation of Tongues
In spite of what all the theologians, and preachers are trying to tell us, " That NO Translation, That NO Interpretation of the Bible can be AS good AS the Original. GOD said that it's actually (A Gift) of the Spirit, to be able to INTERPRET from one language to another.
Allow me to show you something else, that will make those little tingles, run up and down your spine.
GOD actually laid down A Formula for Interpretation, and when An Unknown Tongue is given,..... Watch this.
1 Corinthians 14:5    He said, I' would that ye ALL spake with Tongues, BUT rather ye Prophesied (:) for Greater is he that prophesieth than he that speaketh with Tongues, EXCEPT HE (Interpret,) THAT THE CHURCH may Receive Edifying.

He is saying, IF I' were to get up here with the Original manuscript in HEBREW and read it to you, Are you going to get anything out of it?
( That) which doomed millions and millions to Hell, all during the Dark Ages, was that The Roman Catholic church, Stood there with THEIR Latin Bible, reading the word of God in Latin, and Not telling ANYBODY what it meant.
  And people died and went to Hell because of it.
God said: 1 Corinthians 14:27 IF ANY MAN speak in an Unknown Tongue, let it be by TWO, (or at the Most THREE,) and " That " by course; and let ONE Interpret.
What are we holding in our hands? This precious King James Bible.
The ONE Interpreter for All.
Do any of us know how many languages the Bible was originally written in ? !
1. Hebrew
2. Aramaic
3. Greek                           at the most THREE  

How beautiful, that God has taken THREE languages Unknown to you and I, and I believe God INTERPRETED them for us in our Authorized king James Bible. This " One " Book. ( The Interpreter)
God has taken this Pitiful Individual, and in Those Three Languages, I'
Would Never have Known : But God Translated them into This Bible, Because He Knew, that I' would READ IT, and I got Saved !
And it was A Gift of the Holy Spirit.
And also Know This !
2 Peter 1:20-21  Knowing THIS first, that NO prophecy of the scripture is of ANY PRIVATE INTERPRETATION. For the prophecy CAME NOT in old time by " the will of man, " BUT Holy Men Of God SPAKE AS They were Moved By The Holy Ghost.
 Let us Remember what Joseph said Genesis 40: 8 KJV
SO........ If They tell me that My Translation of the Bible, IS NOT the Inspired Word of God, I' will tell Them, that " The Bible" says their Wrong !  And that the Translation, the Interpretation SAYS, IT'  belongs to God.
YET They will say They do not believe that A Translation can be Inspired; But I' tell you, IF the Breath of The Holy God does not breathe Through the Book, that you and I' read, How can one be saved ?
Let me close with Isaiah 53 KJV   from the 1611 King James Bible, which is called Middle English, and no one speaks that language anymore. Some say, you can't even Read it any more, or understand it.
Lets us See.......

To change the page click the (center) arrows at the top center of the page, to move the pages forward or back.
To select a Book, click the arrow center top,
to enlarge the page for reading, click the # 2,4 and so on, at the top right.
It should be set on Isaiah 53, page 805.

  There are spelling errors, due to the way printing was done in those days. Which we can understand and expect. It has been 414 years, and when God says he doesn't change, You can believe it.
Some will say The King James is NOT copyrighted, which is only partially True, because the King James has what is called a Royal Copyright stamp on it, And as long as A Monarch Sits on the Throne in England, THIS Bible Cannot Be Changed. For 414 years This Bible STANDS.
Ecclesiastes 8:4 KJV    THIS Book is Right, Where this Book has been, there has been POWER.
It was THIS Book that built A Nation, and No other book.

Why The King James Bible ?
Because the Bible says in Ecclesiastes 8:4   Where the WORD of A KING is, There is Power(:) and who may say unto him, What Doest Thou ?
King James the 1st of England declared this in 1604
A Translation be made of The Whole Bible, AS consonant AS can be to the ORIGINAL( Hebrew and Greek.)
I Corinthians 24:27 KJV
If any man speak in an UNKNOWN tongue, let it be by TWO.
I love this Bible. IT is right.

Please enjoy and treasure the link above for the 1611 edition of the Original King James Translation.

God Bless His Word
God Bless You