John B (29 June 2014)
"A "literal" trip through end times scriptures......Part 2 ...How God puts Gog out of business"

In part 1 of my literal trip through scripture on how God is going to eliminate Gog and all his followers I shared with you God's latter day army, who this army was, where they came from, their size, their mission and their destination. We also talked about the four winds, the four angels, the Euphrates River, God's extreme anger with Gog and Gog's followers and which group of people constituting one third of the earths population will be eradicated.
In part 2  I would like to tie other scriptures in to reinforce my statements from part 1 and also through scripture give you a time frame or season when you can expect these events to happen.
The first scriptures that I would like you to examine are Psalms 83 and Ezekiel 38 but before I do I would make the statement that I have always believed that the purported coming wars of Isaiah 17 and Psalms 83 are not wars at all but merely "previews of coming attractions". Like going to the movie theater and seeing previews of an upcoming movie. I believe that the speculative wars of Isaiah 17 and Psalms 83 are just previews of what will happen in the Ezekiel 38 and 39 war. I realize that the players that are listed in Psalms 83 may differ slightly from the players listed in Ezekiel 38 but we have Islamic fighters coming to the Middle East arena from all over the planet. I believe that it is sufficient to say that God was portraying a common denominator of "Islam" when the countries and tribal groups were listed.
To make my point (actually two points) on this, I believe God himself told us the answer in Ezekiel 38:21.....which is a very enlightening verse. It states......I will call for a sword against Gog throughout all My mountains, Says the Lord God. Every man's sword will be against his brother....
Again lets "literally" look carefully at this verse. God says that He is going to put the sword or kill Gog and his troops throughout all of His mountains. Meaning that He is going to eradicate this group of people throughout the entire world.
And again "literally"......Every man's sword will be against his brother. This statement is also to be taken somewhat literally. Let me explain.....In part 1 we established that the opposing force on one side of the Ezekiel 38 war was God and His army of 200 million from the whole house of Israel. On the other opposing team was Gog and an untold number of his followers who are Muslims. Are the opposing sides least I believe they are from God's prospective. Because when you go back to the inception of these two warring groups you have indeed brother against brother. Isaac's brother was Ishmael and Jacob's brother was Esau. The lineage of Isaac and Jacob let to the whole house of Israel. The lineage of Ishmael and Esau let to untold millions of people in the Middle East mostly Arabs who embrace the faith of Islam.
So.... is it literally every man's sword against his brother? God said yes I believe it
Ok back to the linkage between Psalms 83 and Ezekiel 38.
In Psalms 83 the psalmist is in prayer to God pleading for Him to intervene on Israel's behalf. There is an evil plan by an Islamic confederacy (using their original tribal names) formulated to destroy Israel and for it's name to never be remembered again. The psalmist prayer to God is to destroy these enemies by fire and God's tempest or storm. So lets compare that with Ezekiel 38. Israel is confronted by an Islamic confederation (using present day and original tribal names) with an evil plan (38:10) to destroy Israel. God answers the prayers of the Psalmist exactly as prayed. God uses His tempest or severe storm to dispatch flooding rain and great hailstones and God shows His face to the enemy melting them with fire and dispatches a 200 million man army to eradicate all of them worldwide with fire and brimstone.
Wow! Is that an answer to prayer or what !!!
The psalmist also prayed to fill their faces with shame, to have them confounded and dismayed forever. And to be put to shame and parish.
Sadly all of this will be fulfilled in Ezekiel 38. One can only imagine what will go through their minds when they realize they have backed the wrong horse (so to speak) and find out that their Allah is the devil instead of the God of the universe.....Jesus. This deception of 2+ billion people is heartbreaking when they pay with their lives and souls for Satan's trickery. But even worse, this will be topped soon after when Satan indwells the antichrist and deceives 4 billion more people with assorted different lies but the same effect.......loss of salvation.
......few will find the narrow path that leads to salvation......Matthew 7
Do you realize how unbelievably blessed we are to know the truth and be on that narrow path.....Thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul Lord. For once I was lost completely in the depths of the evil Roman Catholic Church and against all odds you freed me from that Satanic bondage.
Running out of time tonight.....I'll get to the timing of the Ezekiel 38 war and the timing of the rapture in part 3. Believe it or not they are scripturally connected in several places. I might want to hurry on this 'cause.......scripture says it happens in summer.....but I don't think this summer.
Next time......Blessings........John B