Gino (15 June 2014)
"RE: Gary Rich: 06.08.14: Take up your cross"



            That was a phenomenal letter!

I never realized how much we have twisted this passage to mean something that we would prefer it to mean.

None of us would want it to mean what you wrote.

We would prefer, if possible, to avoid our cross.

Even Jesus, simultaneously both fully God and fully man, in one person, prayed to the Father, “O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me”.

All of us would rather that, as well.

However, how many of us would be willing to pray his next phrase, “nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt”?

When it comes to dying to all that is dear to us, how many of us can surrender that humbly, and that boldly?

                        Thank you for letting all of see that letter,
