Gary Rich (15 June 2014)
"Strong Faith pleases God"

Do most of you 5-doves readers get the feeling that something big is about to happen ? Summer of 2014 has arrived. Most bible prophecy watchers i know believe that something earthshaking is going to happen soon that will test our very faith in God. And there is a scripture verse in Hebrews that basicly tells us that our Christian faith will be tested :
Hebrews 11:6 - without faith it is impossible to please God . Having faith pleases God. So it makes sense that we should pray for a stronger faith if we want to please God

It takes faith to pray, but it takes a stronger faith to keep praying when your life is falling apart. Most christians have enough faith to receive Jesus as their Savior, but not enough faith to trust God to take care of them in hard times

Unshakable faith comes from having your faith shaken. Once we are saved, the testing of our faith begins. The first 12 disciples had no idea of the hardships which were to follow them in their ministry's. It would be those very hardships which would strengthen their faith. If our faith is to grow, it must go thru hardships and our own mistakes & failures. There is no other way

John the Baptist had his faith tested when he was in prison, John was discouraged. Could not Jesus deliever His faithful servant from prison ? Yes, Jesus could have, but He didn't. Let every Christian understand this message - things don't always get better in this life. John was discouraged and in doubt, he sought help from the Lord and didn't get it - he was instead beheaded

Life is not always fair, but God certainly is fair. God is just and faithful. Your faith will be put to the test

Amazingly, Paul rejoiced while going through hard times. Paul said- bring it on devil, do your worst. Its just one more opportunity for me to show my faith in God and earn more eternal rewards in Heaven. Problems are a blessing, i know this sounds strange, but it is bibical

You cannot please God without faith. God wants our faith to mature, therefore, our faith must be tested to see if its real. Faith pleases God. It takes much more faith to continue living for God when the sky is falling in your life and the walls are closing in around you. The trials and hardships in your life will " perfect " your faith if you will not give up. You have to hang in there, living by faith. Joy comes in the morning, but first you have to go thru the dark night of torment and hardship

1 Peter 1:7 - The testing of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise, honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ

A believers hardships are golden opportunities for us to prove our faith in God. There is a sweet closeness to God that cannot be obtained untill a person has suffered though great emotional & physical pain , loss, and loneliness. Knowing that you will have Jesus by your side through it all

A faith MUST be tested. Like it or not, your faith WILL be tested. The test is not the problems in your life. God just uses the problems to test your faith.  The test is about your faith itself

It does require a greater degree of faith on our part to continue serving the Lord when hardships and burdens arise. Anyone can serve God in good weather, but when the storm clouds rise and all the hordes of Hell come after you, it requires much stronger faith not to give up or quit

Unshakable faith comes from having your faith shaken ! If you ask God for more faith, you are actually asking God for more troubles and problems to come your way. Because that is how God increases our faith. To want a stronger faith means you must be tested thru severe hardships
And none of us i am sure are going to ask God for severe hardships to come our way. But we are in the last days of the church age, and we can expect major earthshaking events to happen soon !
have a blessed day,  Gary