Elliot Hong (29 June 2014)
"21 years & 14 years"

Dear Doves:

I think 1993 was the important year.
It was the year that Oslo Peace Accord was signed and Vincent Tan had $2.34 experience.
It's been 21 years since then.
21(7+7+7) is the number that the answer of Daniel's prayer was delayed.
So I believe that G-d allowed the maximum time for the world and there will be no more delay.
21 also means Exceeding sinfulness of sin.
The year of 2000 was also important.
The Camp David Peace Summit was failed at the last moment and "the Borrowed Time" began.
In September 2000, Ariel Sharon visited at Temple Mount and it triggered the Intifada.
G-d prolonged Sharon's life until 2014 and it's a clear sign that "the Borrowed Time" is 14 years.
14(7+7) means Deliverance and Delivery.
All puzzles fit together perfectly.
God is so awesome!