Randy (28 June 2013)
"Is THIS how Rome died??   Our Elected Leaders in Washington.......are IDIOTS.  (Most?  All?  Whatever!!)"

The article says the Dem's dropped in a Last Minute AMMENDMENT to the Immigration bill....
The Amendment alone was 1200 pages !!  lol...................
Reminds me of the Health Care Bill.....well over 2000 pages, and Dem Pelosi of California said
"We have to pass this so we can see what's in side of it."
We're so sreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwed   !!   So sad. !
Obama:  the most OPEN Administration ever ?   It was a campaign promise in 2008 !!   NOT!
Obama:  Every bill will be posted on the internet, so people have time to read it.  HEY......not even the Senators and Congressmen have time to read it before voting....
How sad.....
tick tock.....................fizzle............................................ pop!  (My head, EXPLODING!)