Michele Kennedy (19 June 2013)
"666 BHO Mystery Revealed Today!"

666 & 9504



666 – The 1st  Ref. Verse 9447

1Kgs 20:38

So the prophetH5030 departed,H3212 and waitedH5975 for the kingH4428 by the way,H1870 and disguisedH2664 himself with ashesH666 upon his face.H5869


666 - The 2nd Ref.    The REVEALING!

1Kgs 20:41

And he hasted,H4116 and took the ashesH666 awayH5493 from his face;H5869 and the kingH4428 of IsraelH3478 discernedH5234 him that he [was] of the prophets.H5030

This is Absolutely Amazing!

Barack Hussein Obama

All the names spellings Greek Hebrew and English totals = 9405

  and this VERSE # 9450!


Now let’s go in the NT: Only Mention:

Phil 2:12

Wherefore,G5620 myG3450 beloved,G27 asG2531 ye haveG5219 alwaysG3842 obeyed,G5219 notG3361 asG5613 inG1722 myG3450 presenceG3952 only,G3440 butG235 nowG3568 muchG4183 moreG3123 inG1722 myG3450 absence,G666 work outG2716 your ownG1438 salvationG4991 withG3326 fearG5401 andG2532 trembling.G5156

Notice the word “WORKOUT” is next-door number to 666?

The First MISSING Strongs Number is 2717 in the GREEK!!!

G2716 -   (24 Mentions! 4 & 20!)




From G2596 and G2038 ; to work {fully} that {is} accomplish ; by implication to {finish} fashion: - {cause} do ({deed}) {perform} work (out).

Next would be 2717:

Position #:


From 8674:


From End:


Strong's #
is not found.


Romans has no mention of 2716  from 7:20 – 15:

Counting the Verses in between the Last Mention of 2716 and our Departure Verse Romans 9:1 is exactly 384 Words;





Perhaps from H837 and H410 ; God has arrived ;
{Ithiel} the name of an {Israelite} also of a symbolic person: - Ithiel.






From G303 (in the sense of reversal ) and a derivative of G4632 ; properly to pack up ({baggage}) that {is} (by implication and figuratively) to upset: - subvert.


‘Lift up’ Mentioned in the Bible 99 Times!

Look Up”





From G303 (in the sense of reversal ) and G2955 ; to {unbend} that {is} rise ; figuratively be elated: - lift {up} look up.

Luke 21:28

AndG1161 when these thingsG5130 begin toG756 come to pass,G1096 then look up,G352 andG2532 lift upG1869 yourG5216 heads;G2776 forG1360 yourG5216 redemptionG629 draweth nigh.G1448


This is Amazing!  We have had the date of number 824 revealed to us in the Pattern given by God, and The last mention of 2716 is found in Romans 7 and then not again till 15. 

So we can assume since the next word from 666 was 2716  and there is no 2717 for it is the Rapture number, then  that this is the time frame of the Rapture!

Counting Every word as a day.  From Romans 8:24 (824) and Romans 8:39 Previous verse of 9:1 (Paul exclaiming this is True and that he is NOT LIEING my Conscience bearing Witness!  This is speaking a prophetic word to us that the time is come, the Appointed Time that tarries no longer!!!

Habakkuk 2:1-3! 

Now I would like to take you to the 352 Hebrew word.  I would expect that the word would be in relation to a Covenent being made.





From the same as H193 ; properly strength ; hence anything strong ; specifically a chief (politically); also a ram (from his strength); a pilaster (as a strong support); an oak or other strong tree: - mighty ({man}) {lintel} {oak} {post} {ram} tree.


Gen 15:9

And he saidH559 unto him, TakeH3947 me an heiferH5697 of three years old,H8027 and a she goatH5795 of three years old,H8027 and a ramH352 of three years old,H8027 and a turtledove,H8449 and a young pigeon.H1469


How Amazing!  We even have the 3- 3’s given to us again!  723336 is our number 726 is the Greek word for Rapture- Harpazo!!!!

The Word is Confirming the Same message that our Day of Redemption, the Coronation of Messiah is on the Feast of Trumpets a 9/4-9/5 and the fact that the Names of Barack Hussein Obama  are anagrams of this number is the lord giving us a Witness that this IS the man of sin the Bible is declared from the Beginning! 

When we have figured out who the Man of Sin then we will Know that our Redemption is NIGH at Hand!

Mystery Revealed!

Thank you Father for Your Unspeakable gift…..Your Word Jesus Christ My Saviour!!!!