Karen (19 June 2013)
"Re; Gerlinda comment on pics"

Blessings upon you Gerlinda
I didnt paint those pics...I created them from images with my photo app. Thank you for your response tho. The 3:33 pic was inspired by several supernaturals happenings. The 1st one was in fall of '94. I & another believer had a 3day/3night encounter with Holy Spirit. On the last night we were both awaken at 3:33 am at same time & experienced the same thing. I remember feeling I was standing upright & moving at an incredible rate of speed than I opened my eyes & the clock was at 3:33. I spoke to my companion laying beside me " What just happened? I was moving..." & companion said " at a incredible high speed" Then abt hour later a good friend calls saying abt 3:30 he was awaken by the Lord & told to deliver a mssg. To us. Ive been seeing 333 ever since then but the last 3 yrs. I have also seen 4:44 just as much...I have had 3:33 & 4:44 am awakenings in the last 3 passover seasons..In 2011 it was right before passover. In 2012 right after passover. In 2013 before & after passover. Some had dreams with them, others urged to get up & read scriptures. All the scrptures were rapture related. I not exactly sure what it all means. I do know that I woke up one morning on 8-12-12 & when I opened my eyes I saw nightsky with stars in a vision & as soon as recognized the pleaides the vision disappeared & I look at the clock it was 4:44am. So not all awakenings are passover season. So from my puny human logic..I wonder if 4:44  = the pleaides = the bride...& 3:33 MAY = orion constellation = 144,000 ??? The reason I say this is one I had a dream of pleaides & orion constellations that was set in tribulation time & Orion = pyramid of giza which had 144,000 outside casing stones.  So there you have it Gerlinda. If you would like to converse more. John Tng can give you my email addy...Be blessed!!


Sorry forgot to tell you what the purple light from the eye meant. About 6 weeks after the encounter in fall '94. My then 12 yr. old daughter & I was snuggling watching TV. My friend who also went thru the encounter called me. We chitchatted & all of sudden my daughter exclaimed " what is that in your eye mom ? " I asked her to describe it. She said " Its like a purple star twinkling in the black part of your eye " I told her it was probably a reflection off of something. She just went on & on how cool & beautiful it was demanding I tell her what it was. I was starting to get a little freaked out so I told her " watch it will go away once I move out to the darken hallway."  It didnt go away, it just got more intense in the dark. I told my daughter " you are freaking me out !!" my friend on the phone was listening to all this & replied "Shhhh !!! let her speak." I told her I didnt know what it was. But if I ever find out I would tell her.  Anyway thot I would share that also
During that 3 day encounter Wes King's song Holy Holy Holy was playing nonstop. About Isaiah seeing the Lord.. Take note of the page no 444 in my bible.