Frank Molver (28 June 2013)
"Joan re Apocrypha oddity"
What I thought was odd was the old woman putting his foreskin into anointing oil and then Mary anointing him with it later
I don't think there is anything wrong with reading it, but I do find some of it rather odd
Jim wrote this too

Frank, I agree, that is one strange piece of writing! And then it goes on to say (Chapter 2 Verse 3), " And she had a son who was a druggist, to whom she said, 'Take heed thou sell not this alabaster-box of spike-nard ointment, ...' "

I recall hearing Dr. Irwin Lutzer (Moody Bible) suggest that one need only begin reading the Apocrypha to understand why it wasn't included in the Scriptures. Now I know what he meant :)

Thanks for bringing this to light, Frank. And thank you, John, for the time spent running your website; one from which we all benefit.

Jim M