Vicki (5 June 2012)
"To Amanda, Joe M. and Scarlette"


Thank you all for your responses to my post. I think we can all agree that  2012 "feels" like an interesting year!! Although the signs seem to be coming fast and furiously, only God knows exactly what is going to happen and when. I do believe He gives warning first. So many are receiving dreams and visions, but we need to be very careful that we don't jump ahead of God by proclaiming the interpretation out of our own thoughts. The interpretation MUST come from the Holy Spirit, and we are told to test the spirits.
That said, I find it interesting in how each of your posts had some similarities. Amanda you mentioned how your son has seen 9:11, Scarlette, you have seen the same thing. Could God be using the 9:11 to point of an upcoming event on New York? We don't know for sure......but it could be the way He is giving a warning to certain people.
Joe, thank you for your research on Dagon. Dagon was a "statue" (not a god) which was brought to Babalonia from a foreign land. Amanda you had mentioned in your post about seeing the "Statue" of Liberty. Both share something in common....They were both statues and they we're brought into their respective countries from a foreign land. (the statue of Liberty was given to the U.S. from France) hmm...
Joe, your thoughts on Rev. 6-18 connecting to the date 6-18 were interesting too!
Amanda keep seeking the Holy Spirit for revelation of the 3 American flags in your hallway.
Scarlette, don't ever feel "funny" about sharing what you feel the Lord is showing you. We are all friends here and appreciate how the Lord is working in each others lives. We will all share eternity together.....God is just "introducing" us before hand:)
Amanda, thank you for sharing about your family, this is a safe place to unload. You are a precious daughter of the King, and even when you feel alone, you are not ....He is ALWAYS with you and will NEVER forsake you!!
Blessings on you all!!