Phil (5 June 2012)
"Re "July S: re  Bob Dylan""

John and Doves,
I too have read about Dylan being born again and without question he took to it with gusto. As much as another person
can be sure about another person being a Christian (and without having met that person) his Christian songs speak volumes.
I have all three of his Christian CD's and they are without doubt very powerful songs. What might have happened since then
I am not aware of. However, before this episode in his life he was featured on a DVD entitled "They Gave Their Souls for
Rock 'n Roll" in which it is said of him that he did just that. But that was before he gave his heart to Jesus.
There are also articles on the net telling the story how he came to Jesus. I also have a book about what took place.
The video spoken of as evidence that a fairly recent Dylan was referring to Satan as the one he made a pact with doesn't sound
like it to me. But that is just me.
Keep looking up.
When He Returns
Man Gave Names to all the Animals
Slow Train Coming.
I Believe in You
When You Gonna Wake Up.
Property of Jesus
Saving Grace
Are you Ready?
In the Garden
Pressing On.
What Can I do For You?
and others.