Mercer (30 June 2012)
"London Olympics: Undercover Journalist Reveals that 200,000 Casket Linings on Standby"

Remember the Illuminati cards?

London Olympics: Undercover Journalist Reveals that 200,000 Casket Linings on Standby, American and Foreign Troops Onsite, Evacuation Plan Ready for All of London: During an episode of BCFM’s Friday Drivetime host Tony Gosling interviewed an apparent undercover journalist who appeared on the show under the psudonym, “Lee Hazledean” and exposed a wide array of stunning facts in regards to the security run up to the 2012 London Olympics. The whistleblower, who claimed to be a well known journalist for a London TV Show, revealed that he had infiltrated the notorious private security company G4S which is currently running security in the lead up to the Olympics. Some of the more stunning accusations made include lax security procedures that have possibly left the Olympics open to a terror attack, a plan for the full scale evacuation of the entire city of London, and the purchase of 200,000 casket linings that are currently on standby. more