MathMan (8 June 2012)
"Gerry and the 270 Days of Gestation (I'm seeing 333)!!"


Dear Gerry & Doves,


Thanks for that fantastic post yesterday outlining in such detail the relationship between the Revelation 12 signs in the sky to the Gestation Period:


Here is a quote from a post on RITAN on your material that I found really exciting:


This observation comes from a woman named Lisaleenie, a long time member on RITAN with over 4,200 posts!!  Here is what she wrote:


“Thank you, Gerry, You made a lot of good observations.


GERRY QUOTE: “Now get this.  The constellation Virgo, back on 9 / 29 / 2011 had in the womb of Virgo, Venus, the Jesus star and Saturn, the red dragon star.  Venus exited first.  Later Saturn exited.  IT HAS BEEN 9 MONTHS SINCE VIRGO FORMED, THE GESTATION PERIOD OF A CHILD”


I liked the 9 month analogy of the gestation of a child.  If you added 9 months from September 29, 2011, you end up with the date of 06 / 29 / 12.  But if you add 9 Biblical months of 270 days from 9 / 29 / 11, you end up with the date of 06 / 25 / 12.  So that is another way of calculating the same date of 06 / 25 / 12 that you came up with!”


Lisaleenie’s observation was an accurate one.  Indeed, the average time lapse from the day a woman’s menstruation first begins until the birth of a child is, on average, 40 weeks or 280 days.  HOWEVER, actual fertilization does not occur until a number of days AFTER menstruation first begins!!  If fertilization occurs 10 days after her menstruation began, the average time period is equals 270 days from fertilization to birth (280 – 10)!!


Also, did you happen to notice that 270 = 3 x 3 x 3 x 10?  Is this one of the reasons so many Doves are seeing the number 333?  Of course I’m not sure, but I certainly thank Lisaleenie for sharing her wonderful observation that allows us to at least notice this!!


MARANATHA!!  Surely our redemption draws EXTREMELY near!!


YbiC, MathMan