Charles (30 June 2012)
"RE: more then fireworks on 4th of July"


Guys you know I am now the it's all over except for the firworks guy on five doves now! Seriously reading this post I did not even know of that other dream! I heard its all over except for the fireworks after in prayer to let me know how close the rapture truly was! I thought it might be memorial day weekend. The other dream was the rapture on a Thursday others have had. For some reason everyone has Charities dream in our heads also! July 5th after midnight july 4th after all the fireorks in the USA is a Thursday! July 4th is Tammuz 17 ok charities dream 5,6,7 bang (fourth of July firworks), tammuz 18 is the fifth my dream of eights everywhere in the sky and a combination lock clicking open the last number was an eight! The last we get the more it all fits! It is so frustrating trying to warn people hey Syria may be attacked Saturday! So .... You tell them and they roll their eyes and start talking about the summer project they have in mind or whatever! Guys the rapture is imminent and all these puzzle prices seem to fit July 4-5th! Peace and safety on the 4th everyone picnicking charities dream 5,6,7 bang Jesus fireworks it all fits! Call upon the name of the Lord that you may be saved! Jesus is Lord and He rose from the dead by the right hand of God almighty so you may be saved! Believe on Him John 3:16 now!