Braxton (8 June 2012)
"More info on what the number means!"

The choice of disobedience was made in Genesis 3: 6; and this was the birth of pain, which leads to the pain of birth. This is such a vicious cycle that has grown in complexity since the fall. GOD has a way of knowing everything, there are no coincidences ever. Everything is based on these preset values of good and bad, right and wrong, love and hate, the truth and the lies, positive and negative. GOD knew us before we were ever formed in our mother's womb. HE knows everything, and it's all in HIS control. HE knew that the Bible would be translated into the what it is now, HE is all powerful! This is the reason why the mark of the beast is 666. Genesis 3:6; was disobedience, HE said do not eat! This was the birth of pain, which leads to the pain of birth, such a vicious cycle. It can be calculated; 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17+18+19+20+21+22+23+24+25+26+27+28+29+30+31+32+34+35+(36=666). Revelation 13: 18; tells whoever wants to know (This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man’s number. His number is 666). GOD'S will is being done, mankind falls under an illusion of thinking that they have control over anything. Everything is in GOD'S control, He has been here always. I've had this boom of information that the LORD has provided me with since the end of last year. This exact verse is the choice of disobedience, this was the birth of pain. This is why we should cry when a baby is born into this corrupt world, they start breathing these poisonous toxic fumes of pain and suffering. Many people are still falling , I'm so thankful that CHRIST has caught me! The illusion is thinking that people are in control of anything, only GOD is in control of everything. I'm going to include part of a picture that I drew, it's the painful spiral down into the bottomless pit of destruction. I've drawn out a lot of things that the LORD has revealed to me, I can't take credit for any of this. All credit is due to GOD who gives all. Too many people want to take credit for what they have done, well I can do nothing without the LORD giving me strength. HE knows everything that we think, as well as everything that we do. HE is on the inside, HIS love comes from the inside and it shines out onto a dark corrupted world. Too many people hold hate in their heart, the darkness tries to invade our internal mind. It has invaded so many, and it has them trapped within an internal prison. There is only 1 KEY that will open the many chained locks that keep people trapped. The KEY is CHRIST, the KEY is FORGIVENESS! People must let go of all the hate that keeps them trapped, they can only do this through JESUS CHRIST our LORD. It works two ways; we must forgive all who have wronged us, as forgive ourselves for any wrongs we've done. Pray for those who have wronged us, and pray for those who we've wronged. People must accept this, people must repent for what they've done wrong. People have been buying into this false deception for log enough, thinking that they could be as gods. There is only 1 GOD, only HE is perfect. People need to let go of these false expectations of perfection of the flesh. This is why we must all be born again, born of the water and the SPIRIT! We can only do this by accepting JESUS CHRIST! GOD has a perfect filtration process, he knows how to filter the good from the bad. HE is not going to leave HIS love where it isn't welcomed, HE takes it to an eternal home where it is welcomed. This is why we should rejoice when someone leaves this world, they get to go home. i feel as if I'm an alien on a strange planet, this place is not my home. I'm on a mission right now, I must accomplish what I was sent here to do. I pray that the Spirit leads me to where I need to be. I pray that this information is getting into the right hands. I get on this website called  and try to get this message to people. I've been kept here for a reason, I've had many close calls with death; more than I can count on my hands. Check out my profile here to read my testimony, I'm not through with my mission yet. Write me back if possible, and read my profile to learn more. I know that I'm leaving out information right now. I'd like to discuss some of these things that are taking place with you.