Robert Belanger (18 June 2011)
"Romans 6:19-23 - A Message for Anthony Weiner"

The above verses seem ideally suited to any person, such as Rep. Anthony Weiner, to consider seriously as he ponders how to serve during the rest of his life after having to admit sinful behavior, deliberate lying and disregard for God's laws and guidance. Serving sinful lusts leads to loss, shame and ultimately, if never repented and confessed for forgiveness to the Father in Jesus' name, to spiritual torment in hell, described by Jesus in Matthew's gospel.

Let us take a few minutes to pray for this man. He is at a turning point in life and needs our prayers. Pray that his spiritual eyes will be opened and that he will accept Jesus' offer of salvation purchased through His death and resurrection. Remember, any one of us could be in Anthony's situation, were it not for God's grace in providing His only begotten Son to be our substitute at the cross.

Do not follow the example of some of the media reporters and so-called pundits in ridiculing, demeaning and condemning this man. His fall into degradation and humiliation comes as a result of misplacing his trust in the leadings of the flesh, rather than in the simple goodness, love and protection afforded by God's almighty power for salvation.

See satan's promises for what they are. Yes, they are cleverly disguised as promises of excitement and pleasure. But, what Satan does not mention is that they are meant not to serve your needs, but rather his plans of total rebellion with the Father. 

We might have been present, symbolically, on that stage when Weiner confessed and admitted his folly. But, as believers, we would have taken the next step and announced our decision to devote our lives to serving God and His Son, Jesus, in reaching out to unbelievers who spend most of their lives yielding to the temptations to sinful behavior.

Let us hope and pray that he is not beyond hope of salvation. It is sad to think that so many are without hope these days. 

