Jim Goodrick (18 June 2011)
"Good summaries: Jim B; Bob Reynolds; Luis Vega"

These are very good summaries for handy references:

Jim Bramlett -- summary of Elenin.
With so many areas of Bible prophecy to study, summaries like yours help those of us who can not possibly cover all aspects of the End Times. Thank you. http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/june2011/jim615.htm

Bob Reynolds -- summary of Millennium testing
You certainly have researched your material well, and I found it very interesting. I agree with you that Satan is released for our testing in order that we CHOOSE Jesus as our Savior. An untested love is an untrustworthy love.
And yes, men are like trees - Mark 8:24

Luis Vega -- good summary of Arab-Israeli conflict, especially the three stages explained.