Jim Goodrick (11 June 2011)
"Poor Lil' Brack Sheep"


POOR LIL' BRACK SHEEP dat stray'd away,
Done los' in de win' and rain,
An' de Shepherd He say, O hirelin',
Go fin' my sheep again."

And de hirelin' frown, " O Shepherd,
Dat sheep am brack an' bad."
But de Shepherd He smile...
like de lil' brack sheep is the onliest lamb He had,
Is the onliest lamb he had.

An' He say, "O hirelin', hasten !
For de win' and de rain am col',
And dat lil brack sheep am lonesome
Out dere so far from de fol'. "

And de hirelin; frown, "O Shepherd,
Dat sheep am ol' an' gray."
But de Shepherd He smile...
like de lil brack sheep Wuz fair as de break ob day,
Wuz fair as de break ob day.

An' He say, "O hirelin', hasten !
Lo, here is de ninety an' nine,
But way off from de sheep fol'
Is dat lil' brack sheep ob Mine."

An' de hirelin' frown, "O Shepherd,
De rest ob de sheep am here."
But de Shepherd He smile...
like de lil' brack sheep He hol' it de mostes' dear.
He hol' it de mostes' dear.

An' de Shepherd go out in de darkness,
Where de night was col' an' bleak,
An' de lil' brack sheep He fin' it,
An' lay it agains' His cheek.

An' de hirelin' frown," O Shepherd,
Don't bring dat sheep to me."
But de Shepherd He smile,
An' He hol' it close,

An' de lil' brack sheep is me !
An de lil' brack sheep is me !

Written by Ethel M. C. Brazelton

Matthew 18: 12 and 13....
"How think ye ? If a man have a hundred sheep, and one of them be gone astray, doth he not leave the ninety and nine, and goeth into the mountains, and seeketh that which is gone astray ?

And if so be that he find it, verily I say unto you, he rejoiceth more of that sheep, than of the ninety and nine which went not astray."

The Good Shepherd .... John Chapter 10

POEMS http://hopetotheend.com/poems.html