Eliane B (11 June 2011)
"Why Firstfruits is always on the 16th of Nisan"




Firstfruits is always the 16th of Nisan because it’s the day following the 15th of Nisan, and the 15th of Nisan (as the 15th of any Hebrew month is ALWAYS a Sabbath, as are the 8th, the 22nd and the 29th day of the Hebrew month). Unfortunately, the present Hebrew calendar has eliminated that understanding because it has been influenced by the Roman calendar.


The 15th of Nisan is always a weekly Sabbath and the annual Feast of Unleavened Bread, the day Jesus was buried.


This understanding is impossible if you consider Sabbath the same thing as “Saturday”. We have the Gregorian calendar in our veins and we all have a lot of difficulty to think in a different calendar architecture.


True Sabbath comes after the six workdays of the week, and the  New Moon worship day is not one of the six ordinary work days, no more than the Sabbath day is. A new week always began after the New moon worship day or the weekly Sabbath worship day, they are both worship days, and not one of the six work days.


Ezech 46:1 says, "Thus saith the YHWH; The gate of the inner court that looketh toward the east shall be "shut" the "six working day;" but on the "sabbath" it shall be opened, "and" in the day of the "new moon" it shall be opened.


The Father describes 3 category of days, BOTH New moon and Sabbaths are differant than ordinary work days, they are BOTH worship days and the 1st day of the week begins after the New moon or Sabbath worship day.


Isa. - 66:23 From one New moon to another and from one Sabbath to another shall all flesh come and worship before me saith YHWH.


This and the following explains why the Sabbath days in the scriptures are always on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of the month, without exception.


The calendar prescribed in the Bible has nothing to do with the calendar we use nowadays. The Sabbath has nothing to do with our weekly Saturday and “the day after the Sabbath” or “the first day of the week” has nothing to do with the Gregorian “Sunday”. This confusion happens because our present calendar structure ignores the New Moon days as intercalary days (New Moon days were not Sabbaths neither work days) and also because the Sabbaths were regulated by moon phases. The 15th of every Hebrew month would always be a full moon.


As the author of one of the websites below say, “people accept the scripture where it says that they would “forget” His name for “Lord” but won’t accept where the scripture says that He would destroy their Sanctuary and cause His Sabbaths to be "forgotten" in Zion (Lamentation 2:6.)”


See explanations about the Bible calendar below:



















