Acts 12:8 is the only vs
"And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees theSon and believes in Him may have everlasting life;and I will raise him up at the Last Day”JOHN 6:40
This article documents Donald Trump's 78th birthday 6/14/2024 just passed, and his82nd birthday 6/14/2028, are encoded in the Bible, synced with the Start and Stop dates ofthe Great Tribulation > 4/19/2025 > 1260 Days to > 9/30/2028Donald Trump - Wikipedia
Plus at the end of this article we document mindboggling prophetic syncs about the life of
Kim Clement who prophesied as far back as 2007 that Donald Trump would be aTWO TERM President !! Also see our "Crown of Thorns" article > < and the prophetic parallelsof Trump with Grover Cleveland as the only NON-consecutive TWO TERM President.
"I will open my mouth in a parable;I will utter dark sayings of old."Psalm 78:2^^^^ Start Date End DateDonald Trump turned age 78 Great Tribulation Great Tribulationon 6/14/2024 ^^^^ 4/19/2025 9/30/2028!.........................................309 days to..........!..........1260 Days.......!A=1,B=2 etc> ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ !>"I will open my mouth in a parable = 309 End Date! ^^^^ ^^^^^ Great Tribulation6/14/2024 Psalm 78:2 is vs number 15116 of Bible. 9/30/2028!.........................................exactly 51 months 16 days......................!^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ !Donald Trump will be age 78 yrs 309 days on 4/19/2025 Stage 3^^^^^^^^^^^ Fall of Babylon78309 = = = = 9 x 11 x 791 Prophecy....................................................................................^^^....^^^.........^^^^^........9/30/2028........^^^ ^^^ dates encoded ^^^^^ !see "Sword" article > "SWORD" reveals 3 Stage Fall of Babylon Prophecy New Bible Revelations < !One word "Sword" syncs all 3 Stages Fall of Babylon Prophecy together in the Bible.^^^ ^^^ by "Sword" here ^^^^^ !Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3!............2 vs............!...........2 vs...........!.............7 vs..............!9/11/2001 3/6/2009 9/30/2028
"Sword" "Sword" ^^^^^^ vs # 15187is in text is in text ^^^^^^ of Bible.Psalm 78:62 Psalm 78:64 Psalm 78:66 PSALM 79:1.! ^^^^^^^ !..........9 vs...............^^^^^^^...........!!..............^^^^^^^..............11 vs.......^^^^^^^.................!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^A=1,B=2 etc > 227 = Babylon is Fallen is FallenJudges 16:27-29 chapter 227 of Bible reveals by prophetic typologyTwin II Towers 9/11/2001 Destroyed, as SAMSON CRASHES the Two II Pillarsand "about 3000 die there". Same "about 3000 who died" 9/11/2001..............................................................................................................................................................Trump's 78th birthdayencoded here synced with Fall of Babylon Prophecy verses.From Psalm 78:2 its 60 vs to Psalm 78:62.From Psalm 78:2 its 62 vs to Psalm 78:64. This is vs 1260 of Psalms.From Psalm 78:2 its 64 vs to Psalm 78:66. sync 1260 day Great Tribulation time.From Psalm 78:2 its 71 vs to PSALM 79:1. then 13 vs to Psalm 80:1.Total > 257 < Bible book with 257 verses is >>><<< Revelation 15 is only Bible chapter where thebook 47 2nd Corinthians whose >>><<< verse numbers add up 250+251+252New Testament chapters add up >>><<< 253+254+255+256+257=2028.150+151+152+153+154+155+157 >>><<< Last vs Revelation 15:8+158+159+160+161+162=2028 . A=1,B=2 etc > Day of Atonement=158In this year Day of Atonement=9/30/2028................................................^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^HEBREWS 6:14 has a 7113 gematria ct. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^From HEBREWS 6:14 its >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 896 vs to >> Revelation 15:8^^^^^ Deuteronomy 32:30 is vs 896 of book. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Deuteronomy 32:30 is vs 5789 of Bible. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Jewish Year 5789 begins Sept/2028 .HEBREWS 6:14 is 6914 vs # of New Testament. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^This is a number anagram 1946. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^HEBREWS 6:14 verse number 30059 of Bible. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^From 6/14 /1946 its 30059 days to >>>>>>>> 9/30/2028Donald Trump born 6/14 /1946. prophetic syncDonald Trump ^^Psalm 80:1^^prophetic sync 2nd term in office> is vying to become vs 1260 PsalmsPsalm 78:2 47th President of USA sync 1260 day timeline.Donald Trump . INAUGURATION day Start Dateturned age 78 on for President of USA Great Tribulation6/14/2024 1/20/2025 4/19/2025!....................................220 days......!.........89 days......................!First time in Bible ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^Great Tribulation timeline Vs # 22089 of Bible ^^^^^^^^^^^^appears in text Daniel 12:7. ^^^^^^^^^^^^"Time,Times half a time'' "Time,Times half a time'' ^^^^^^^^^^^^in text of vs in text of vs ^^^^^^^^^^^^same as 1260 days same as 1260 days ^^^^^^^^^^^^Daniel 7:25 Daniel 12:7. Great Tribulation!..........................130 vs......................! timelineprophetic prophetic prophetic 1260 daysparallel parallel parallel vs 1260 PsalmsFrom Psalm 78:2 its exactly >>>>>>>>>>>> 12X7 verses to >>> ^^Psalm 80:1^^prophetic prophetic prophetic .parallel parallel parallel .Revelation 7:14 is verse number >>>>>> 127 of Revelation.Revelation 7:14 >>>>> 130 vs to of Revelation 15:8.encoded here encoded here.4/19/2025 9/30/2028!......................1260 days...................!See more in Pearl Harbor article > <about 4/19/2025 synced with Revelation 7:14 and Great Tribulation in text.........................................................................................................................................Lo and Behold...Last vs of chapter."Arise, O God, judge the earth;For You shall inherit all nations."Start of Bible Psalm 82:8!.......................20X28 chapters to...........!Donald Trump in 2028 turns age >>>>> 82 on 6/14/2028 + 108 days to 9/30/2028on a clock 8:28 pm= 20th hr 28 min ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Start Book of ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Psalms Psalm 80:1 Psalm 82:8 Psalm 122:2!.............1260 vs......!.........42 vs...........!.........850 vs to.........................! ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ Last vs in Bible with 2028 gematria.Start Date ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ End Date From Psalm 65:9 vs 930 of Psalms its 1222Great ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ Great ^^^^ ^^^^^ to Psalm 122:2Tribulation ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ Tribulation. ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^4/19/2025 ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ 9/30/2028 ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^!..............1260 days or 42 months....! ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^Ezekiel 48 last chapter of book is chapter 850 of Bible. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 48 = 20+28 850 + 1178 = = = = 2028^^^^^^^^^^^^ Chapter 1178 of Bible Revelation 11^^^^^^^^^^^^ Donald Trump ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ will be 108 days 82 yrs age on 9/30/2028^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ 7th Angel sounds the^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ 7th n' Last Trumpet^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ 6th Seal ^^^^ for Second Coming of^^^^^^^^^^^^ Start Book of ^^^^^ Opens ^^^^ Jesus Christ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Revelation ^^^^^ Rev 6:12 ^^^^ Revelation 11:15^^^^^^^^^^^^ !.....................108 vs...........!...........82 vs..............!^^^^^^^^^^^^Ezekiel 48 is last Book of the Bible with a 1260 vs number synchronizingwith the 1260 dayGreat Tribulation timeline.^^^^ ^^^^Ezekiel 48:18 Ezekiel 48:22 Ezekiel 48:24!................4 vs...........!..........2 vs...........!Great Tribulation timeline is also 42 months as in Revelation 11:2.^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^Ezekiel 48:18 is the last place in the Bible with ^^^^ Ezekiel 48:24 last place in Biblethis chapter vs config, 4818 being a Bible number ^^^^ a vs has a 2068 gematria ctrevealing the the date 4/19/2025 as seen below. ^^^^ syncs to 9/30/2028 see below.!.........1260 days or 42 months..........!^^^^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>^^^^^^^^ Start date of theBook of > Numbers, Psalms, Proverbs, Lamentations ^^^^ Great TribulationBook # of Bible > 4 , 19 , 20 , 25 ^^^^ <<<<<< 4/19/2025total vs's of Book > 1288 + 2461 + 915 + 154 = 4818 <<<<<< ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^++++ <<<<<< 1260 days toBook of > 1st Samuel , Amos , Proverbs , Hosea ++++ <<<<<< ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Book # of Bible > 9 , 30 , 20 , 28 <<< ++++ <<<<<< 9/30/2028
total vs's of Book > 810 + 146 + 915 + 197 = 2068 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^total > 6886 < ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^A=1,B=2 etc > 158 = = = = = = = = = == = = Day of Atonement^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"For then there will be Great Tribulation,such as has not beensince the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be."Matthew 20:28 ^^^^^^ Matthew 24:21!...................158 vs to..................! ^^^^^^^ 274th day of yearThere are 13 Books of Bible with a 4:19><20:25 chapter vs combo. > is 9/30 in 2028!!Total vs ct between those pts for all 13 books is 6886 vs's !! ^^^^ 6x338=20286886 - 274 - 274=6338The Divine Prophetic layout of the ^^^^Bible reveals the following... ^^^^End of OLD TESTAMENT ^^^^End of Book of End of Book of ^^^^JOEL MALACHI ^^^^!!!! End of !!!! End of ^^^^Start of !!! Book of !!! Book of ^^^^ THE ENDBible !! ZEPHANIAH !! Matthew ^^^^ of Bible!.....879....!.....30......!......20.....!.....28......!.........6886 verses to...........!^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^These are chapter counts of the Bible. 6886 is the total number of verses from87=9 + 30 + 20 + 28 4:19> to <20:25 in the 13 Bible Books thatreveals the prophetic date have this chapter verse combo configuration.9/30/2028 Start Date 4/19/2025 Great Tribulation!.................1260 Days............!See more details in our EZEKIEL 48 article >
See more details in our Golden Ratio X 7 article !!! Golden Ratio X "7"+Fibonacci Sequence reveals JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!........................................................................................................................................................."So they told Mordecai Esther’s words."ESTHER 4:12
Another series of incredible revelations of how Donald Trump is encoded in the Bible from age78 to 82, is in Strong's concordance, the name Mordecai is number 4782.^^^^^^^Notice how this number perfectly syncs Donald Trump attempting to be 47th ^^^President of USA at age 78. And alsoreflecting his age in 2028 at 82.Here are the revelations the link above reveals about Mordecai / Trump prophetic syncs.
From Donald Trump's 70th birthday it was 220 days to 45th Presidential inauguration day
^^^^^ ^^^^ 1/20/2017.9th time Mordecai appears in Bible is Esther 2:20 vs # 12745 of Bible.30th time Mordecai appears in Bible is Esther 4:15 vs # 12778 of Bible. < At age 78 Trump is20th time Mordecai appears in the Bible is Esther 4:1 vs # 12764 of Bible. vying to be 47th President.28th time Mordecai appears in the Bible is Esther 4:12 vs # 12775 of Bible. Esther 4:12 with 1621Total > 51062 < gematria ct is an exact match^^^^^^^^ with PSALM 78:47 1621 count !!Properties of the number 51062 ^^^^^^^^ 257th prime # is 1621.^^^^^^^^ 257 verses in 47th Book^^^^^^^^ 2nd Corinthians whose^^^^^^^^ New Testament chapter #'sIn math 84588 is the sum of divisors of 51062. add up to 2028 !!^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^A=1,B=2 etc > 588=Jesus Christ Second Coming Two thousand Twenty EightPsalm 72 , 73 ^^^^ ^^^^^ Hebrews 6 , 7vs ct 20,28 >>>> 588 chapters to >>>> vs ct 20,28^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^There are 8 books in the Old Testament with a 20:28 chapter vs config.There are 4 books in the New Testament with a 20:28 chapter vs config.......................................................................................................................................................In fact the 47th time his name Mordecai appearsin the Bible is in ESTHER 8:2 exactly matchinghis Strong's number 4782 !! wow !!SUPERBOWL 59 is scheduled to be played 2/9/2025.Even more incredible, the 59th and last time we see his name Mordecai in the Bible,is in the last vs Book of ESTHER 10:3 vs # 12870 of the Bible.And 12870 = 78 X 165
^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^Trump was first elected President age 70 in the year >>>> 2016.On 6/14/2024 Donald Trump turned age 78 ^^^^^On 6/14/1946 Donald Trump was born on day 165 of the year.^^^^^ ^^^^^Donald Trump at age 78 ^^^^^will be attempting to become the 47th ^^^^^President of the USA ^^^^^ Start Dateon ELECTION DAY ^^^^^ Great Tribulation11/5/2024 ^^^^^ 4/19/2025!.........................exactly 165 days to...............!...............................................................................................................................................From above4th time Mordecai appears in the Bible is Esther 2:7 vs # 12732 of Bible. 9th vs # 12745.19th time Mordecai appears in the Bible is Esther 3:16 vs # 12754 of Bible. 30th vs 12778.20th time Mordecai appears in the Bible is Esther 4:1 vs # 12764 of Bible. 20th vs 12764.25th time Mordecai appears in the Bible is Esther 4:7 vs # 12770 of Bible. 28th vs 12775.Total > 51020 < Total > 51062 <^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^Start Date 51020 + 42 = 510624/19/2025 ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^Great Tribulation timeline is 1260 days or 42 months !!........................................................................................................................................................phrase "Last Day" 7th and >>> <<< 7th andappears 7 times in last time "Last Day" Last TrumpetStart Book of appears in JOHN here sounds hereJOHN JOHN 12:48 Revelation 11:15!...........................584 vs to...............!..................4259 vs....................!^^^^^ Properties of the number 4259 ^^^^^ !In math the 584th prime number is 4259. !7th andLast TrumpetStart Book of 6th Seal sounds hereRevelation Rev 6:12 Revelation 11:15!..............................108 vs...........!.........82 vs...........!^^^^^ A=1,B=2 etc > 82 = "Last Day"Donald Trump's age will be exactly 108 days and 82 yrs on 9/30/2028.25200 is the sum of divisors of 8856 !25200 = 10 X 5X7X8X9 !On the Jewish Calendar the 10th day of 5789 Year > is > 9/30/2028."And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees !the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; !Kim Clement and I will raise him up at the Last Day” >>> Last Day ofwas born on Verse # 26298 of Bible is JOHN 6:40 >>>>>>>>>> Great Tribulation9/30/1956 ^^^^^^ 9/30/2028!......................exactly 26298 days..................................................................................!!....................................................exactly 864 months.......................................................!^^^^864 = = = = = 48X18^^^^^^ Start Date......................................................................................................................................................^^^^^^^^^^^^^.......Book name > Numbers, Psalms, Proverbs, Lamentations ^^^^^^ Great TribulationBook # of Bible > 4 , 19 , 20 , 25 ^^^^^^ <<<< 4/19/2025total vs's of Book > 1288 + 2461 + 915 + 154 = 4818 <<< 1260Days to++++ <<< End DateBook of > 1st Samuel , Amos , Proverbs , Hosea ++++ <<< Great TribulationBook # of Bible > 9 , 30 , 20 , 28 ++++ <<< 9/30/2028
total vs's of Book > 810 + 146 + 915 + 197 = 2068Lo and Behold...
! NUMBERS 31:38 is the only vs with 72 in text as a stand alone #.Kim Clement The cattle were thirty-six thousand, Last Day ofwas born on of which the Lord’s tribute was 72. Great Tribulation9/30/1956 NUMBERS 31:38 ^^^^^ 9/30/2028!............................................................exactly 72 years...........................!! NUMBERS 31:38 has a gematria ct of 2765.! Prophetic Sign in the Heavens ^^^^^^^^^! Revelation 12:1 describes 12 Stars ^^^^^^^^^ Start Date End Date! + Sun and Moon in an extraordinary ^^^^^^^^^ Great Great! prophetic alignment which occurred on ^^^^^^^^^ Tribulation Tribulation9/30/1956 9/23/2017 ^^^^^^^^^ 4/19/2025 9/30/2028!.......exactly 22273 days to............!...........2765 days....!.....1260Days....!"And all the firstborn males, according to the numberof names from a month old and above, of those who werenumbered of them, were 22273".NUMBERS 3:43 ^^^^^^^^343 divide by 22273 = = = = .015399.NUMBERS 3:43 only vs with 22273 ^^^^^^in text of Bible. ^^^^^^"Now Jesus stood before the governor. And the governor asked Him, saying,Start “Are You the King of the Jews?” Jesus said to him, “It is as you say.”of Bible Matthew 27:11 has a 15399 gematria ct. !...............................24141 vs to.................! VS # 15399 of Bible is PSALM 91:3.^^^^^ ^^^^ chapter of Bible 569 >>>>>>>>^^^^^^^^^^9881 = 241 X 41 +vs # 1459 of PSALMS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ total> 2028 <^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Start Year timeline END Year^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Great Great Great^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Tribulation Tribulation Tribulation^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2025 + 1260 + 2028 = 5313^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Prime numbers are 241 and 41.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 9881 = 241 X 41.^^^^^^^ Stage 3
^^^^^^^ Fall of BabylonStage 1 ^^^^^^^ will be executed hereFall of Babylon ^^^^^^^ in sync withTWIN II TOWERS ^^^^^^^ END DATEDESTROYED ^^^^^^^ Great Tribulation9/11/2001 ^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028!........................9881 days........!..........................................................................................................................................................................................
Kim Clement Prophesied multiple times as far back as 2007 Donald Trump would bea TWO TERM PRESIDENT !! One of the dates he very publicly repeated this Prophecy at a churchservice was 2/22/2014.^^^^^^^^^^^^ Donald Trump^^^^^^^^^^^^ As seen above his birthdate 6/14/1946 is encoded with^^^^^^^^^^^^ HEBREWS 6:14 and synced to 9/30/2028 there.2/22/2014 9/30/2028
!..........................its exactly 42 X 127 days to...............................................!In math the 42127th prime number is >>>>>>>>> 507809.^^^^^^^^^^^^ Jewish Year 5789^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ begins in Sept/2028.^^^^ Great ^^^^ Great ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Tribulation Tribulation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Prophetic layout of the ^^^^ in text of vs ^^^^ in text of vs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Book of REVELATION. ^^^^ REV 2:22 ^^^^ REV 7:14 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^!........................42 vs..........!..............^^^^........85 vs........! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^!............................................................127 vs.....................! ^^^^END DATE^^^^See prior article > < Great TribulationHow Start Date Great Tribulation 4/19/2025 is encoded 9/30/2028with these above verses. !.............................1260Days......................!.........................................................................................................................................
Donald John Trumpis attempting to become the 45th and 47th President of USA. In Strong's Hebrewconcordance "Highway" is # 4547 appearing only once in Isaiah 35:8. In Strong'sGreek concordance "Sandals" is # 4547 appearing in only Mark 6:9 and Acts 12:8.^^^^^^^^ A=1,B=2 etc >Highway+Sandals= 151^^^^^^^^ A=1,B=2 etc >>>Jesus Christ= = 151in the entire Bible with a 11880 gematria count. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^And this number 11880 is also the Golden Ratio number of the divine propheticlayout of the Bible in the following way... 1.618 = decimal form of11880 divide by 7342 = 1.618 >Start of ^^^^^^^^^ Golden Ratio ^^^^^^ Golden Ratio End of BibleBible ^^^^^^^^^ 2nd Chronicles 32:4 Jeremiah 10:20 Revelation 22:21!...........................11880 vs............!.........7342 vs..............!..........11880 vs..........!In standard gematria ^^^^^^^ INAUGURATION DAYDonald John Trump + ^^^^^^^ for the New President of USAJanuary Twenty + ^^^^^^^ will be onTwo Thousand Twenty Five = 7342 >>>>>>> 1/20/2025 <<<<<<<....................................................................................................................................................Lo and Behold... Stage 3 Fall of BabylonINAUGURATION DAY Prophecyfor the New President of USA END DATEwill be on Great Tribulation> 1/20/2025 < 9/30/2028!.........................exactly 1349 days to............................................!^^^^^^ Last vs in Bible with 2028 gematria ct.PSALM 55:10 last vs in Bible with a 1349 gematria ct. Psalm 65:9 vs 930 of Psalms, its^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ 1222 verses to PSALM 122:2.PSALM 55:10 >>>>>>>>>> exactly 1349 vs to >>>>>>>>>>>>> PSALM 122:2.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "He turned the (Red) Sea into dry land; < See Pearl Harbor article.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ They went through the river on foot. < Start Date Great Tribulation^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ There we will rejoice in Him." < 4/19/2025 encoded here <PSALM 55:10 PSALM 66:6 <!.......................137 vs to..........! both synced to 9/30/2028 !!PSALM 55:10 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 16092 Vs to >>>>> Revelation 8:7^^^^^^^ Vs # 16092 of Bible is PSALM 122:2 !!^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Revelation 8:7 is vs # 137 of Revelation. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"The First Angel Sounded: And hail and fire followed, mingled with blood,and they were thrown to the earth. And a third of the trees were burned up,and all green grass was burned up." Revelation 8:7 137 + 137 = 274in the Bible there are 13 Books Day of YR 274in2028with a 4:19><20:25 And 7 Books have a 9:30><20:28chapter/verse configuration, chapter/verse configuration,Start Date End DateStart Book of Great Tribulation Great TribulationRevelation 109th day of year will be > 4/19/2025 9/30/2028!.....................109 vs...................! !....................1260 Days..............!Revelation 5:7 vs 89 Rev 6:13 Revelation 8:7 = = = = = = = = 9+30+20+28book of Revelation !........20 vs....!......28 vs....! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2028Jewish Year 5789 Begins >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sept/2028.........................................................................................................................................................GOD BLESS...comments welcome to Stephen Wilkins > <