Mystik Dan finished 2nd in the Preakness Stakes !!!
Photo: Max Sharp / Eclipse Sportswire
This article documents astonishing prophetic syncs right from the Bible that the 150th running of theKentucky Derby + 149th running of the Preakness,(1st two legs of the) "Triple Crown of Horse Racing",are genuine Prophetic Signs of the coming Great Tribulation encoded in the Bible.Start Date ^^^^^^^ End DateGreat Tribulation ^^^^^^^ Great Tribulation4/19/2025 ^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028!......................................1260 days................................!Revelation 7:14 Revelation 12:6 Revelation 11:15, Revelation 15:8.............................................................................................................................................................................................Mystik Dan 2024 Kentucky Derby - Wikipedia Seize the Grey 2024 Preakness Stakes - Wikipedi
"And whatsoever more shall "Whatever is commanded by the God of heaven,be needful for the house of thy God, which let it diligently be done for the house ofthou shalt have occasion to bestow, the God of heaven.For why should there be wrathbestow it out of the king's Treasure house." against the realm of the king and his sons?"EZRA 7:20 EZRA 7:23!............................3 vs to.......................!in Strong's concordance Treasure=1596 seen for 3rd and last time here all in EZRA !!!Seize the Grey #6 winner = 3 + 3of the 149th Preakness ^^^^^Number 149 in Strong's concordance is diligently only seen once in Bible EZRA 7:23.149th Preakness ^^^^^ END DATEwas run on ^^^^^ Great Tribulation5/18/2024 ^^^^^ 9/30/2028!..........................................1596 Days........................................!35th Prime # is 149 1596 = = = 19 X 84 !!!(3x5)x 35 = 525 7th Angel ^^^ 7th Angel ^^^ 7th AngelMystik Dan #3 in Kentucky Derby First seen ^^^ 7th Trumpet ^^^ Last seenMystik Dan #5 in Preakness Rev 10:7 ^^^ Rev 11:15 ^^^ Rev 16:172Chr23:15 >> 525 vs >> EZRA 7:23 !......19 vs .....!.......84 vs.....!Seize+Horse >><<Seize the Grey ...........................See more text of this vs >><< wins 149th Preakness ....^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^finishing order was #6#5#3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^GALATIANS with 6 chapters is the ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^only book of the Bible with 149 verses. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Seize the Grey#6 won the 149th Preakness. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^From vs 149 the End of 5th Seal ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^GALATIANS 6:18. REV 6:9 Rev 10:7 ^^^ Rev 11:15 ^^^ Rev 16:17!..its 19x84 = 1596 vs to....!.....63 vs...!......19 vs ..!.......84 vs.....!^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^1596 divide by 63 divide by 19 divide by 84 = .015873PSALM 118:3 is verse number 15873of the Bible and last vs in Bible with a 1260 gematria ct, reflectingthe 1260 day Great Tribulation timeline.A BIG reason many of these Bible prophetic syncs are able to come to light is because of thisthrilling closest ever 3 way photo finish of the Kentucky Derby !!!Race # 13 on the card for the day was the 149th running of the Preakness Stakes."Now when Abram heard that his brother was taken captive,he armed his three hundred and eighteen trained servantswho were born in his own house, and went in pursuit as far as Dan."
^^^^^^^^^ Genesis 14:14 Genesis 14:14 has gematria ct of standard gematria> Nine Thirty Twenty Twenty Eight = 4860150th running of the Kentucky Derby historic closest ever 3 way photo finish was thewinner > Mystik Dan #3, #2 ,#11 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^In Strong's the word born is number 3211 first seen in Bible here with Dan !!^^^^^^9th Book of Bible 1st Samuel ends chapter 267. ^^^^^^30th Book of Bible AMOS ends chapter 888. <<<<<<<<<<<< ^^^^^^ vs# of Bible 30888 is20th Book of Bible Proverbs ends chapte 659. ^^^^^^ where 7th Angel sounds28th Book of Bible Hosea ends chapte 876. ^^^^^^ 7th n' Last TrumpetIn math the sum of divisors 2690 >>> equal >>> 4860 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^In Strong's the word Chatsar is # 2690. It means "TO SOUND A Trumpet "Every Kentucky Derby always begins with the sounding of a Trumpet (Bugle)
Dear Saints,The Word of God tells us there is nothing to hard for the Lord > Jeremiah 32:17,27 <. So GODcan and does choose many unusual vehicles to deliver Prophetic Signs thru. Just consider the storyof the Talking Donkey in Numbers 22:28. Notice a Donkey is very similar to a Horse !!"Then the Lord opened the mouth of the Donkey,"from the tribe of Dan, and she said to Balaam, “What have I done to you,Ammiel the son of Gemalli; that you have struck me these 3 times?”Numbers 13:12 Numbers 22:28!................................................316 vs to........................................!!.........................................158+158 vs to....................................!Race # 12 on the card for the day was the 150th running of the Kentucky Derby.Mystik Dan won the Kentucky Derby as the number 3 Horse !!!Take note many Bible scholars believe ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^the END TIME Antichrist will ^^^^^^^^^^^^ 149th Preakness END DATEcome from the tribe of Dan !!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ was run on Great TribulationText of this verse has ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 5/18/2024 9/30/2028Horse and Donkey in it. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ !............1596 Days...................!Exodus 9:3 Exodus 3:16 is verse number 1596 of Bible. !more below !...........150 vs.......................! #6 Seize the Day won Preakness !9-3 = = = = = = = = = 6 !Mystik Dan # 3 A=1,B=2 etc > 316 = Two Thousand Twenty Eight !won the A=1,B=2 etc > 158 = = = = Day of Atonement !Kentucky Derby Revelation 15:8 last vs of Chapter is the only chapter in the Bible wherethe verse numbers of book add up > 250+251+252+253+254+255+256+257=2028Day of Atonement will be 9/30/2028 in this year.Start Date End DateGreat Tribulation Great Tribulation4/19/2025 9/30/2028!..................................1260 days.....................................!Lo and Behold...................................................................................................................................The logo for the DEMOCRATIC PARTY is a Donkey !!
"behold, the hand of the Lord will be on your cattle in the field,
on the Horses, on the Donkeys, on the camels, on the oxen,and on the sheep—a very severe pestilence."Exodus 9:3^^^^^^^^^^ Donkey logoHorses ^^^^^^^^^ Start Date of the149th running of the ^^^^^^^^ DemocraticPreakness Stakes ^^^^^^^^ National Start Date End Dateoccurred on ^^^^^^^^ Convention Great Tribulation Great Tribulation5/18/2024 ^^^^^^^^ 8/19/2024 4/19/2025 9/30/2028^^^^^ !.......................93 days...........................!............243 days......!.........1260 days.............!^^^^^ 93 + 150 = 243 = Joseph Robinette Biden JR !^^^^^ 9-3=6 ^^^^ ^^^ A=1,B=2 etc ^^^ !149th running of the Preakness Stakes was won by Current President USA !number 6 > Seize the Grey !!! !^^^^ 150th running of the Kentucky Derrby !was won by number 3 Mystik Dan !!! !^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ !Exodus 9:3 is verse 1746 of Bible. 1596 vs of Bible is Exodus 3:16 = 158+158Prophetic Sign ^^^ 1746=150+1596 A=1,B=2 etc>Day of Atonement=158149th running of the ^^^ ^^^^^^^ END DATEPreakness Stakes ^^^ ^^^^^^^ Great Tribulation5/18/2024 ^^^ ^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028^^^^^^ !.................................................exactly 1596 days to.................................!^^^^^^ In Strong's Hebrew concordance # 1596 is for the word Treasure which^^^^^^ appears times 3 in the Bible, all in the Book EZRA !!! 3rd place Treasure EZRA 7:20.In Strong's Hebrew concordance ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^# 149 is for Diligently appearing only ^^^^ Treasureone time in Bible in EZRA 7:23. ^^^^ EZRA 7:20.!.....................................................3 vs........................................!^^^^^^^^^ 6 = 3 + 3Seize the Grey # 6 won the 149th Preakness.^^^^^^^^^ Mystik Dan # 3 won the 150th Kentucky Derby.^^^^^^^^^ Properties of the number 12197EZRA 7:23 is vs 12197 of Bible.12197 is the 1458th Prime number.1458 = 6 X 243Prophetic Sign 9-3 = = = = = = 6 ^^^Horses ^^^^^^^^^ Start Date of the ^^^149th running of the ^^^^^^^^ Democratic ^^^Preakness Stakes ^^^^^^^^ National ^^^ Start Date End Dateoccurred on ^^^^^^^^ Convention ^^^ Great Tribulation Great Tribulation5/18/2024 ^^^^^^^^ 8/19/2024 ^^^ 4/19/2025 9/30/2028!..........................93 days...........................!...............243 days...........!.........1260 days.......!243 = Joseph Robinette Biden JRIn standard gematria > Word of God = 791 Current President USAIn standard gematria > Treasure = 791PSALM 79:1 is where 9/30/2028 is synced in our"Sword" article > "SWORD" reveals 3 Stage Fall of Babylon Prophecy New Bible Revelations < The oneBible word "Sword" syncs all 3 Stages Fall of Babylon Prophecy together.........................................................................................................^^^^^^^^Prophetic Sign ^^^^^^^^149th running of the END DATEPreakness Stakes Great Tribulation5/18/2024 9/30/2028!.......................................................exactly 1596 days to..........................!^^^^^^^^^^ In Strong's Hebrew concordance # 1596 is for the word Treasure .Even more prophetically significant is 19 X 84 = 1596 !!^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ 7th Angel sounds the 7th Angel appears in7th Angel ^^^ 7th n' Last Trumpet text for 3rd and last timeappears first time in ^^^ for Second Coming of pours out the 7th plaguetext of Bible here ^^^ Jesus Christ here saying "It is done"Revelation 10:7 ^^^ Revelation 11:15 ^^^ REVELATION 16:17
!..............19 vs ..........!...............84 vs......................!......................................................................................................................................Lo and Behold...
In standard gematria>Triple Crown of Horse Racing= 1596These are first two legs of the Triple Crown ^^^^^^Prophetic Sign Prophetic Sign ^^^^^^150th running of the 149th running of the ^^^^^^ END DATEKentucky Derby Preakness Stakes ^^^^^^ Great Tribulation5/4/2024 5/18/2024 ^^^^^^ 9/30/2028^^^^^^ !..............14 days............!....................exactly 1596 days to..................!^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ 19x84 = 1596 !! 7th n' Last Trumpet^^^^^^^ #3 Mystik Dan won ^^^^^^^^^ 150th running of the Kentucky Derby. 1984 identifies the 7th Angel of REVELATION !!!Verse # 314 of Bible is where # 1984 in Strong's for the word commended appearsin the Bible for the first time !!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"The princes of Pharaoh also saw her and commended her to Pharaoh.^^^^^^^^^ And the woman was taken to Pharaoh’s house."Book of ^^^^^^^^^ GENESIS 12:15Amos syncs 314 to the prophetic date >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 9/30/2028
............................................................................................................................................^^^^^^^^ in the following way.... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Amos is only Book of Bible with a 57+ 89 verse total. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ End of Book ^^^^^^^^^^^^^Start Book ^^^Amos^^^ Amos ^^^^^^^^^^^^^of Amos ^^^ 4:11 ^^^ 9:15 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^!........................57 vs......!.........89 vs.......! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^Verse number 22422 of Bible is Amos 4:11. ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^In math 22422 is the 314th Palindrome number > List of palindromesIn math the 9th, 30th, 20th, 28th Prime numbers ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
are 23+113+71+107 = 314. ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^................................9/30/2028 is in Jewish Year 5789 beginning Sept/2028.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Amos with 9 chapters is Book 30 of Bible. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ 7th Angel sounds thesynced together reveals > 9 / 30 / 2028 << 7th and Last TrumpetAmos ends with chapter 888 of Bible. for the Second Coming^^^^^^^^^ of Jesus Christ hereVerse number 30888 of the Bible is > Revelation 11:15.
In Strong's Treasure is19x84 = 1596Start of PI digit sequence > the sequence 1984 the 3359 digit ^..... ^^^^^^^^^^ 1984^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ identifies the 7th AngelEZRA 7:23 has a 3359 gematria ct. ^^^^^^^^^ who sounds theOnly vs in Bible with Diligently # 149 Strong's in it. ^^^^^^^^^ 7th n' Last TrumpetProphetic Sign ^^^^^^^^^ REVELATION 11:15149th Preakness ^^^^^^^^^ END DATEwas run on ^^^^^^^^^ Great Tribulation5/18/2024 ^^^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028 !......................1596 days.........................!In Strong's # 150 is the word Drams. Appears first of only ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^two times in Bible in 1st Chronicles 29:7 with a gematria ct of 7743. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Incredibly New Testament verse number 7743 is REVELATION 11:15 !!!150th Kentucky Derby ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^was run on ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^5/4/2024 5/18/2024 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^!............14 days........! Prophetically matchingMystik Dan #3 wins Kentucky Derby. REVELATION 11:15 !!!In the PI > 3.14 digits the sequence of 150 starts at the 1115th digit !!!Prophetically matching 150th Kentucky Derby !!!That deserves a BIG !!!!!!! OH MY GOD !!!!!!! You can't even begin to calculate howastronomical the odds are all the above could be so perfecly synced.And yet even more mind boggling Bible syncs are still below...............................................................................................................................................Lo and Behold.......See this link for the historic 1947 Kentucky Derby three Way Photo finish.^^^^^ ^^^^^^ And the 154th running of the Kentucky Derby is scheduled for 202873rd + 150th + 154th = 377 ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ Prophetic Sign ^^^^^ Bible Prophecy fulfilled ^^^^^^Historic three Way Photo ^^^^^ ISRAEL becomes ^^^^^^Finish 73rd Kentucky Derby ^^^^^ a nation again on ^^^^^^5/3/1947 ^^^^^ 5/14/1948 ^^^^^^!..........................377 days...................! ^^^^^^^^^^^^Prophetically synced here are the ^^^^^^2024 runnings of the ^^^^^^149th Preakness, 150th Kentucky Derby ^^^^^^Only vs in the Strong's Number ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^Bible with Diligently Number Number ^^^^^^Number 139 is 149 is 150 is 80 is ^^^^^^in text of vs in text of vs in text of vs in text of vs ^^^^^^Ezra 2:42 Ezra 7:23 Ezra 8:3 Ezra 8:8 ^^^^^^!.............127 vs........!.............8 vs......!.......5 vs.............! ^^^^^^^^^^^ Great ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Great ^^^^^^^^^^^ Tribulation ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Tribulation ^^^^^^Prophetic ^^^^^ in text of vs ^^^^^^^^^^ in text of vs ^^^^^^Parallel ^^^^^ Revelation 2:22 ^^^^ Revelation 7:14 ^^^^^^with Book of ^^^^^ !...............85 vs to.........! ^^^^^^REVELATION ^^^^^ Revelation 7:14 ^^^^^^!.....................127 vs vs to............................................! ^^^^^^Start Date Great Tribulation ! Great Tribulation4/19/2025 encoded with Revelation 7:14. 9/30/2028!...............................1260 days.........................!Prophecy Fulfilled ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ISRAEL becomes ^^^^^END DATE^^^^
a nation again on Prophetic Sync verses Great Tribulation5/14/1948 EZRA 2:42 >< EZRA 8:8 9/30/2028!..............................exactly 139 Days and 80 Years to...........................................!.............................................................................................................................................Lo and Behold...Matthew begins chapter 930 of Bible.Matthew Ends with chapter 957+vs1071=2028Matthew beginning to end reveals 9/30/2028"Lo, I will be with you alwayseven to The End of the Age."Micah 4:1 Matthew 28:20 Luke 20:32!...1596 = 19x84 vs to..!...1596 = 19x84vs to....!Vs # of Bible. Vs # of Bible. Vs # of Bible.22600 + 24216 + 25812 = 72648In Strong's Greek Harpazo is # 726 ^^^^^means to Rapture or Resurrect as used in context of 1st Thessalonians 4:16-17 ^^^^^where GOD's End Time Saints are being Raptured . GALATIANS is book 48 of Biblewith 6 chapters and 149 verses. 48=20+28GALATIANS only book of the Bible with 149 verses. ^^^^^^^^^^Seize the Grey #6 won the 149th Preakness ^^^^^^^^^^as a Prophetic Sign on 5/18/2024 >>1596 = 19x84 Days to > 9/30/2028..............................................Last note > The Belmont Stakes last leg of 2024 "Triple Crown of Horse Racing"is scheduled to be run 6/8/2024.....To be continued................................................................................................................Comments welcome to Stephen Wilkins >