Steve Mullin (30 Jun 2024)
""They shall call him Elon, but he is the right hand of Satan!""

First, Elon is the richest man in the world and definitely a captain of industry as described in the prophecy.

Second, the prophecy specifically naming Elon must mean we are in the very final stages. 

3rd, Elon's mom is a known Lucifer worshiper which is consistent with the prophecy. 

4th, Elon's babysitter when he was a child said she saw him perform some kind of ritual and she was lucky to escape, I believe? 

5th, I can't recall exactly when I heard it but there's a story that Elon is the head of the Illuminati. Elon bought Twitter, then changed the name to "X" which looks exactly like half of the Masonic logo. It's very possible there's something to the mirror image because King Charles released his portrait and in a mirrored image you can clearly see the hidden baphomet which is Satan.

6th, Google his recent Halloween satanic costume, almost like he's flaunting the truth in plain sight. 

The prophecy comes from the godshealer7 YouTube channel. I've followed it for probably a decade and still not even sure what I think. The part that is hard to discount for me is when she says, "Whoa, here comes the Holy Spirit all over me!" while speaking the message. As a born again Christian the Holy Spirit definitely confirms a significant message or thought or prayer by coming over you with waves of chills I would call them. I would hate to discount anything that is confirmed by that feeling. Use discernment and here is the prophecy:

Steve M