Steve Mullin (30 Jun 2024)
"Trump chooses Ramaswamy as his VP?"

I posted months ago that it's at least rumored that vivek's education was funded by George Soros. That is a gigantic red flag in my opinion. 

As time passes, though I'm sure it's possible, Obama becoming the ruler or Messiah of this world seems less likely. Many people are aware that Michelle used to be Mike and cannot have children. The Nesbit children look identical to their parents and the dad is the head of the Obama foundation and the mom was the nurse who supposedly delivered both kids to Mike. Pretty strange right? 

I think we all feel major change coming very soon. When that happens, people will look for an answer and Trump himself said I am the perfect person "Central casting" for this part. The election is just 4+ months away now. 

He also fits scriptures description of a man who was and was not and then was again after a head wound. He was the head of the United States from 2016 to 2020. Then the election was stolen most likely. If elected in 2024, it fits. 

Jesus also says I come in my father's name and you do not receive me. Another will come in his own name and him you will receive. How many times have you heard Trump refer to himself in the third person in your life? 

Here's the link regarding Vivek: