Steve Mullin (30 Jun 2024)
"Bill Gates's Apeel turning fruit to rubber!"

I really don't think it's an accident when God said "And the Gates of hell shall not prevail against you."

I think collectively, we've done a nice job of spreading the truth to the point the majority of the public now sees what they didn't before and that's awesome. 

Recapping, since 2020, of course covid, attempt to destroy the food supply, monkeypox, the "next" pandemic will really get their attention, buying up farmland, trying to hurt us via releasing disease carrying mosquitoes, bills approved "Apeel" produce product that is sold to even the most organic grocery stores with evidence that those chemicals alter the makeup of the fruit and vegetables. He is a psychopath. 

I've been seeing so many posts recently of the public understanding who FAUCI really is that it's comforting. 

The eyes have been opened and I feel it's very important to now harvest. Just my opinion.

Steve M