Neil Lipken (16 Jun 2024)
"Rapture Dream & Tribulation Dream! This is awesome!"

Personally I keep getting the sensing from the Lord in prayer that the Rapture is now drawing very near!   So, are lots of churches now talking about the nearness of the Lord's coming in the Rapture?  Nope!   Very few!   There are scriptural reasons why, which I won't get into here.   It is a credit to any church and pastor who will acknowledge that the hour is now late in these End Times!

The "generation" that sees Israel's return (from 1948) will see all end time events come to pass!   Next up soon is the Rapture, followed by the terrifying 7 year Tribulation Period leading to the Second Coming of Israel's long rejected Messiah, Who is Christ!

You really don't want to be on earth for the Tribulation Period!   Jesus was and is Jewish, and He is Israel's Messiah!   Receive Him into your heart today, and don't wait!   Just pray a simple prayer to Him!


P.S.  Just "google" Rapture dreams and visions!   I check these out everyday.  You will be amazed at how many people are now experiencing these late in these End Times!   WOW! 

P.P.S.  If you are Jewish and you are receiving this email, Jesus is all over the OLD Testament----- too much to go into here.  I am Jewish as you all know, and I received Him into my life in 1979, and it was by far the very best decision of my life!   Was I persecuted by my Jewish brethren and by others for that decision?   Yep!   You betcha because the "god of this world" did not like me doing that!  But take it all instride!  Just basic spiritual warfare!   As my Jewish grandmother would have said, "So vat else is new?"