Nansings (30 Jun 2024)
"Reply to Donna Danna re Aliens & Fallen Angels"


    Ivan Panin, understudy of the great Psychologist, James, left Russia and immigrated to the US where he converted to Christianity.  At some point he became dissatisfied with English translations of the Bible and chose to study it in the original languages of Hebrew and Greek where he made a remarkable discovery. 
    Hebrew and Greek are alpha-numeric languages where A=1, B=2, etc.  He discovered an amazing pattern of sevens in every word in the Bible.  This was significant because seven is the number of perfection and represents God.  He found that you if took any word, sentence, paragraph, chapter, book, etc. and added it up numerically, the sum would come to a number that is a multiple or divisible of the number seven.
    This pattern of sevens is so intricate and complex Panin stated it would take an intelligent man a lifetime to write one paragraph of just 500 words the way the entire Bible is written.  It proves that, though there were 40+ authors, the Bible was inspired by only One Mind who saw to it that this mathematical pattern continued over the centuries without error, as there was no way these authors could live long enough to collaborate with each other to ensure the number 7 pattern remained intact and accurate.  Math is an exact science; i.e., 1 + 1 = 2.  Just one mistake would throw off the entire count.
     Since God is a Master Mathematician Ivan Panin titled his discovery "The Signature of God."  He checked other books in the world, including the Catholic Apocryphal books of the Bible, classics like Shakespeare, etc. and did not find this pattern in any other book of any other period of time in history.  He challenged mathematicians to disprove his findings and to date no one has.
    My point in all this is that the book of Enoch was one of those books that did not have this mathematical pattern to prove its Divine inspiration by God.  Though it is quoted in the Bible, the book itself lacks the pattern of sevens proving it has the Divine "signature of God" on it. 
    Some things mentioned in the Bible are not taught as doctrine.  For example, being baptized for the dead, a practice by some at the time the Bible was written and practiced by Mormons today, is also mentioned in the Bible, but that does not make it worthy to be considered as doctrine.  If you want to know why, ask someone who has attended Bible Seminary.
    As mentioned previously, a Jewish scholar pointed out that the giants were already on the Earth before the sons of God arrived and mated with women, per Genesis 6:4.  So the "sons of God" were not giants, nor fallen angels, because by definition "sons of God" are "heirs to salvation" being of the seed of Adam who sinned and required salvation, including his descendants thereafter.  Psalms and Hebrews both say, "To which of the angels said He (God) at anytime, "thou art My son, this day have I begotten thee? And again, I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a Son?"  In other words, God never called angels His son(s) and never will. 
    The Bible says, "But as many as received Him (Jesus) He gave the power to become the sons of God, even to them who believe on His name." John 1:12  Believe in Him for what purpose?  For salvation.  Good angels don't need saving and bad angels can't be saved.  Salvation is for human descendants of Adam and Eve only who carry the sin seed to future generations.  Once saved, they will rule over the angels in Heaven some day.
    The "fallen angels" were cast out of Heaven between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2.  With Satan's help they disfigured God's newly created Earth, leaving it without form and void.  That's why God put them "in chains of darkness reserved unto Judgment Day."  People who have stood before God in the Court of Heaven testify that Satan has access via a narrow passageway to the Court of Heaven presently where he accuses mankind before God, but does not reside there anymore:  Rev. 12:7-9 "neither was there place found anymore in Heaven" verifies this.
    Present day scholars are led to think that Rev. 12:7-9 means the casting out of angels from Heaven is for the Great Tribulation period, but God revealed to Dr. Richard Eby, during his death experience, that it actually occurred back in Genesis.  Just think about it for a moment:  If those fallen angels were able to utterly destroy the Earth till it was "without form and void" and they were still alive today, they would have done it again by now.  That's why God had to lock them up until Judgment Day.
    You said:  "It is possible that the aliens could be fallen angels who could shapeshift to look like an aliens since angels can also shapeshift to look like men."  Since the "fallen angels" are locked up already, they aren't around to shapeshift as aliens.  It would be demons, not angels, doing the shapeshifting if that were the case.  This is borne out by Hal Lindsey's cousin, while working with the occult prior to her conversion to Christ, who asked some beautiful looking beings behind occult healings what they really looked like.  They shapeshifted to awful looking demons.  They couldn't hold the appearance of being a beautiful person for very long.  ("The Beautiful Side of Evil" by Johanna Michaelsen, The Beautiful Side of Evil: 9780890813225 ...)
    The reason the Lord's disciples didn't cast out fallen angels was because the fallen angels were already in "chains of darkness" waiting Judgment day, per Jude 1:6 and 2 Peter 2:4.  Remember, this premise of the fallen angels activity occurring beyond Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 is predicated on the ancient book of Enoch which has been mathematically proven to not have God's Divine signature on it.  It is in the class of "Apocryphal books" which also do not have the Signature of God on them.  Plus, it is a book that has been passed down through many centuries of time and purportedly tampered with.  It is, therefore, questionnable and not to be totally relied on.
    In other words, compare what you believe from the book of Enoch with the Bible that has the Signature of God on it and if it doesn't jive, drop what's questionable from the book of Enoch; not the other way around.  To do otherwise is to be like Mormons who want you to believe what they tell you based on "feelings" or what angellic-looking spirits say (i.e., the angel Moroni) rather than solid proof from God's word.
   This "Signature of God" evidence is useful in debating with mormons who claim the Book of Mormon is inspired by God - making it equal to the Bible.  While working for the IRS Criminal Division a Bishop of the Mormons, who worked there, tried to interest me in the Book of Mormon.  I told him he needed to prove to me that it has this amazing mathematical pattern of the number seven in the very structure of the text.  Naturally he couldn't do that because it was written in English -- not Hebrew or Greek which are alpha-numeric languages.
    Here's a fact:  Joseph Smith worked with a printer who, when he died, left a manuscript for a romance novel he had been writing.  It was stolen by Joseph Smith who changed it to make it appear to be a religious document.  He ended up in court, being sued by the wife of the printer who died, who recognized it was her husband's manuscript.  One of God's commandments is "Thou shalt not steal."  There is no way God would put His Divine signature on a book that was developed from a stolen manuscript which was used for producing the Book of Mormon, even if an angel appeared (Moroni) to try and authenticate it.