Fay (30 Jun 2024)
"Biden's 1st Post-Debate Speech?"


Hi John and Doves,


If this is true - Biden sounded more succinct than he did in 'The Debate' in the video featured in the article below. Very short video.. He looked and sounded cognitive and with-it. Huh? What is the game here? Is he doolally or isn't he? This is all very bizarre. As we know - anyone who does not fully stand behind Israel and the chosen people - are enemies of God Himself. The Bible is very, very clear on this. The Biden administration are two-faced enemies of God. Their half-hearted attempts to sound as if they are defenders of Israel, do not hold water. We can know this by the media spin - angled toward deep sympathy for 'the Palestinians'. We can know this by their covert (overt?) financial assistance to Hamas and Iran. Man - this is the classic "Evil men waxing worse and worse. Deceiving and being deceived".  2 Timothy 3:13.


'Wrong day to stop sniffing glue': Biden aides rush to update LinkedIn pages after debate (msn.com) 


Please come quickly, LORD Jesus. This tired old world needs You so desperately.