Fay (30 Jun 2024)
"Nurse Ratched and her Defibrillator???"


Hi John and Doves,


Oh, please!!  The Dems are acting as if Biden's catastrophic performance in the big debate is new news. Shock and horror abounds in the media bilge. They are making out that they have JUST woken up to the fact that Biden is incapable of stringing a sentence together - never mind running the most militarily powerful nation on earth. This is NOT new news, as we well know. Ordinary people have been shouting out this obvious fact from the rafters..... for ages.


Their new strategy is to blame the 'overly ambitious' FLOTUS - Jill Biden.  According to the media, Jill Biden is to blame for keeping her husband going because of her' blind ambition' to keep her position as first lady. AS IF !!! 


Nurse Ratched Jill is charging up the defibrillator for one last Biden restart. But, asks KENNEDY, as even The New York Times turns on terminal Joe, how long can the Presidential Puppet Mistress continue? | Daily Mail Online


Please come soon, LORD Jesus. We grow weary without You.