Fay (30 Jun 2024)
"Nothing Happens by Accident!"


Hi John and Doves,


The brief glimpses I have allowed myself to watch regarding the Trump/Biden debate, still have me wincing and cringing. What an absolute travesty. In the UK, we have just had a debate between the two main parties - Conservative v Labour.  Unlike America, the debate had an audience. One fine fellow stood up during question time and asked the two candidates, "Are you two REALLY the best that this country has to offer?"  Needless to say - this brought the house down. The audience was convulsed with laughter.


It was Franklin D Roosevelt that said, "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can be sure that it was planned". See 1st link for a great article on this. Extremely informative. It's called the Socratic-Method.


Franklin D. Roosevelt: 'In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.' — The Socratic Method (socratic-method.com)


Now, bear this in mind when you read the ZeroHedge article about the debate. See link below.


CNN Chief Correspondent Says Dems Urging White House To Ask Biden To Step Down After Shocking Debate Performance | ZeroHedge


Was this utter humiliation of Biden planned? They must have known the disaster that would unfold. Nobody - no matter how dim-witted - would have allowed this travesty-in-waiting to unfold if it wasn't part of 'the plan'.


Please come, LORD Jesus.