Fay (16 Jun 2024)
"Theft is Still Theft. Jaw-Dropping Theft!"


Hi John and Doves,


This news is downright gobsmacking. Putin - for all his faults - is right on this one. The fact that the rest of the western world has decided to use frozen Russian money/assets, to finance the war against Russia, herself, is mind-blowing. Putin is no angel - we are not stupid enough to believe that. But he is absolutely right about this blatant theft. For now - they are just using the 'interest' from the billions of frozen assets. In my opinion, this is WW3 talk. I, personally, would be LIVID!! The west did start this war. Ukraine is a patsy/proxy state with a bad, bad, bad actor in so-called charge (Zelensky). Human beings are the canon fodder. Israel is the end game. In the end (coming soon)  they all want power over Israel.


Putin On G7 Seized Assets Plan: "Despite All The Trickery, Theft Is Still Theft" | ZeroHedge


PLEASE come soon, LORD Jesus.