Elliot Hong (30 Jun 2024)
"12 Reasons Why This Coming July 4 Could Be It"

Dear Doves:

In the previous letter, I suggested that Sivan 19(6/25) should be watched closely since Kim Fisher received 19.
And on 6/25, Abraham Lincoln wax statue melted in sweltering Washington DC heat.
To me, it's a huge sign that the US will be attacked soon by a nuclear weapon.
This coming 7/4 is 10 days from 6/25 and 10 means Completion.

I introduced "On a holiday?" several times before that a nuclear explosion will occur on one of 3 major holidays.

When the testimony of $2.34 was known, many thought that it could indicate the 234th Independence Day. 
This coming 248th Independence Day is 14 years from 7/4/10 and 14 means Salvation.
$2.34 fits to July 2,3,4.

This coming 7/4 is 17 days from Shavout.
17 means Victory and is the number of 153 fishes.

This coming 7/4 is 14 days from the Summer Solstice Full Moon and 14 means Salvation.

This coming 7/4 is 88 days from the Solar Eclipse on 4/8.

This coming 7/4 is 100 days from the Collapse of the Francis Scott Key bridge and 100 means Elect.

This coming 7/4 is 11 years and 11 months from the O's birthday 2012 when the US flag fell during London Olympics.
11 means Judgment.

I've been claimed that the current timeline started from the Sukkot Full Moon last year.
This coming 7/4 is 280 days(40 weeks) from 9/29/23.

>From the sunset of 7/4, the new moon of Tammuz(the 4th month) begins and 4 means Door.
As it's written in Colossians 2:16-17, the prophecy about a new moon must be fulfilled.

If SD occurs on 7/4, the Firstfruits Bride could be birthed on 7/7, the Lord's Day.
Genevieve Brazel received "The Midnight Cry" and "On The Third Day You Will Rise." 

The US Independence Day could be a perfect day that the enemies carry out their revenge.

Trump is a fall guy and his big win in the first debate could put him even more in danger.
