Chance (30 Jun 2024)
"Pandemic Before The Election?  - Rumors of Deliberate Infection of Food Supply With Bird Flu - Part 2"

Hello John and Doves,
This is Part 2 - Monkeywerx covers a news article about Russian Lt. General Kiriilov and the U.S. bioweapons labs moved from Ukraine to Africa.  And there are rumors that 'someone' is going to deliberately infect the U.S. food supply with bird flu.  Wouldn't surprise me if this ends up true.  It would be part of the 'no election', and depopulation agenda.
Monkeywerx covers this news article about "US expanding bioweapons research in Africa - Russia" at about 23 minutes in to this video.  
"Moscow claims to have proof of Washington's activities on the African continent."  Russian Lieutenant General Kiriilov, head of Russia's Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Protection Forces said the U.S.'s bioweapons labs were move from Ukraine and relocated in other regions before Russia invaded Ukraine.  Now the U.S. is doing their bioweapons research in African countries - Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sierra Leone, Cameroon, Uganda, and South Africa.
Also, there is a 'rumor' that there is a plan to deliberately infect the U.S. food supply with bird flu to bring on the next pandemic...which would lead to the next mRNA "vaccine".
Spread of bird flu in the US sparks expanded mass testing of dairy products | Daily Mail Online

They keep testing the pasteurized milk - like they are expecting a 'different' result than 'pasteurization kills the H5N1 virus'. 
In this June 26, 2024 article, the FDA has expanded their testing to include ice cream, butter and cheese for bird flu.  The FDA will swab the grocery store products and test for "traces of the H5N1 virus."
"If any are positive for the virus, further tests will be carried out to determine whether the virus inside them is 'alive' - or able to cause an infection in humans."  To do this they inoculate fertilized chicken eggs - "the gold standard test for determining whether a virus is viable and could make someone sick."
"The expanded testing builds on previous testing, which found the virus in grocery store milks, cottage cheese and sour creams, but in every case, the virus was 'dead' and unable to cause an infection in humans.  Ground beef, infant formula and powdered milk were also swabbed for the virus and all tested negative." 
"Officials have so far suggested the risk to the public is 'low' because dairy products are pasteurized. ...Tests have shown bird flu virus fragments found in products do not multiply in lab experiments, revealing they are 'dead' - or unable to make copies of themselves and infect humans."
"There have been no recorded cases of people catching bird flu after eating dairy products from grocery stores or ground beef."
The FDA is keeping their bird flu testing results in the public eye.  It wouldn't take much to suddenly report infectious bird flu virus in pasteurized milk and milk products.  With the culling of the chickens, would come culling of the dairy cows - then no more beef and chicken at the stores, no more milk, cheese, butter, etc.  That would certainly lead to a shortage of food in the U.S.  People would demand a "vaccine" for humans and for the chickens and cows..  In would step Bill Gates....
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!