Chance (30 Jun 2024)
"Covid-19 "Vaccine" Regret"

Hello John and Doves,
When Covid-19 first hit the scene back in 2020, I found Dr. John Campbell's Youtube video channel.  I watched him almost daily for the latest info on the Covid virus.
As I did my own research on the SARS-CoV-2 virus, I discovered a lot of info that wasn't being made public.  And Dr. John Campbell wasn't doing the research back then.  Finally, some of his subscribers asked him to look into the adverse reactions - he did.  And was shocked at what he found.  And he was angered that he was deceived as he was recommending people to take these and he took them himself.  He since has looked into excess deaths, the white clots embalmers have been finding, he's had video from British Parliament with MP Breggin.  He's doing an excellent job getting 'the truth' out there about the Covid virus and the Covid "vaccine".
He showed the results from a U.S. poll:  (more at the video and more in the Rasmussen poll at:
33% Agree COVID-19 Vaccine ‘Is Killing Large Numbers of People’ - Demographics - Rasmussen Reports®
"How much trust do you now have for the medical and pharmaceutical industries?:  17% said a lot; 37% said some trust; 25% said not much trust at all; 18% said no trust.  43% of adults in the U.S. have no to little trust - that's about 112 million people.
He said he's surprised that that many (17%) have a lot of trust.  (These people obviously don't know what he knows.)
"The vaccine is killing people and is killing large numbers of people":  16% strongly agree; 17% agree somewhat; 18% strongly disagree'; 39% strongly disagree.  So 33% agree or strongly agree about the vaccine killing people.
"Do you regret taking covid vaccine?:  35% regret taking their one vaccine; 43% regret taking more than one vaccine; and 22% regret taking the two vaccines plus the booster.
And in this 6/26/2024 video, at about 7:30 minutes in...Dr. Campbell talks about regret in taking the "vaccine"; he said he regrets taking them "because what I know now and what I knew then are so dramatically different."  He feels he was "not given the correct information" to give his informed consent and now that he is "much more informed" he said, "I would not touch them with a barge pole."  A change in trust in him and a change in trust of millions of people.
run time 11:40
I find that Democrats/Liberals/Progressives are the least likely to have any knowledge of the adverse events, the deaths, etc. associated with the "vaccines".  They still believe the "vaccine" is "safe and effective".  I have a friend in the medical profession that told me she's gotten 5 "vaccines" and she's so thankful she did.  She now has a fatal platelet problem that is controlled (for now) by a drug - the drug gives her about ten years, statistically, to live with this problem.
Looks like my assessment of Democrats isn't far off:
"36% of registered Republican voters who got a Covid-19 vaccine say it was worth it, while 57% say is was not, according to new NBC News polling.  29% of Independents and just 5% of Democrats believe the vaccine wasn't worth it.
67% of Independents and 90% of Democrats say the decision was worth it.  
94% of Democrats, 75% of Independents and 60% of Republicans took the "vaccine".
That's a HUGE difference between Democrats and Republicans.
A HarrisX poll found that "44% of Republicans...78% of Democrats and 53% of Independents" are "confident the vaccines are safe and their side effects now known."
56% of Republicans and 22% of Democrats say "Covid-19 vaccines are not safe and they may have side effects that haven't been revealed."
Again - a significant difference between Democrats and Republicans.
Unfortunately, if they did a poll on adverse events comparing parties - just because of the percentages - it's statistically correct to say that Democrats have the most injuries and deaths.
But most Democrats will never see the stats or even care to look into this.  And they'll be the first in line to get the Disease X mRNA "vaccine".
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!