Chance (30 Jun 2024)
"Israel Moving To Annex The West Bank - "Explosive Situation""

Hello John and Doves,
I missed this BIG news - distracted with the Hamas war, the build up to war with Hezbollah ...
Netanyahu said back in 2020 that he had plans to annex the West Bank - even though the U.S./U.N. has plans for a two-state solution with Israel back to pre-67 war borders.  Looks like Israel is thwarting the West's and U.N.'s plans to create that Palestinian state. 
Excellent news!!
"The Israeli military has quietly transferred significant legal powers in the West Bank to civil servants working for far-right Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich.  On May 29, the Israel Defense Forces issued an order transferring responsibility for dozens of bylaws at the Civil Administration, which governs the West Bank, from the military to officials let by Smotrich at the Defense Ministry."
"In a recording released by The New York Times on Friday, Smotrich detailed his plan to prevent the creation of a Palestinian state and further empower West Bank Settlers....Smotrich has long pushed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to annex the entire West Bank if the Palestinian Authority continues its efforts for international recognition of a Palestinian state."

West Bank authority transfer to far-right minister may lead to ‘explosive situation,’ experts say
Israeli Finance Minister, Bezalel Smotrich, said "the Israeli public, in its overwhelming majority, is well aware that establishing a Palestinian state in the West Bank would endanger our existence."
'Everything is on the Table' - Smotrich Says Annexation Plan for West Bank is Not Secret - Palestine Chronicle
A while back I wrote Doves letters about Biden sanctioning Israelis and IDF soldiers in the West Bank.  This will stop Biden from bullying Israelis.  Biden is pro-Palestinian/Hamas.
Biden didn't sanction any Palestinians for their attacks/harassment of West Bank 'settlers' - he just went after the Israelis.
Biden sanctions West Bank settlers - AOL Search Results
And then they went on to sanction IDF soldiers in the West Bank!!
Biden administration sanctions two West Bank outposts and three Israeli settlers
What a bunch of bullies in this administration!!  If the U.S. government is only going to sanction Israelis - then they need to butt out of Israel's business.  Not a single Palestinian was sanctioned for his actions on October 7 - even though the U.S. knew the names of many of these people.  Shameful!!
Also, it isn't just Israeli citizens aware of the grave dangers of a two state solution. The U.S. (and the U.N.) is very much aware of the results of creating a Palestinian state...Israel would shortly cease to exist as a nation and the Jewish people would be scattered.  This U.S. administration, obviously, doesn't know God or The Bible.  Not a surprise as the Democrats voted God out of their platform a few years ago.  They'll certainly catch His wrath for that nonsense.
Annexing the West Bank should have been done years ago.  And I'm sure Israel regrets handing over the Gaza Strip!!  Israel was given a lot of land by God and they only have a small amount of that today.  That will all change when Jesus comes back.  Hopefully, soon!
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!