Chance (30 Jun 2024)
"News On June 26, 2024 - Inching Towards War With Hezbollah And A Muslim Coalition"

Hello John and Doves,
Going to cover some news quickly here, June 26, 2024 - by tomorrow things will have moved along much further and with new developments.  I added back up news sources to add more information.
In looking through today's news, I came across something very interesting - Israel's Religious Zionism party via the IDF is 'quietly' transferring the bylaws/civil administration which governs the West Bank to the settlers - this is being done to thwart the creation of a Palestinian State. Oh, boy!  That's going to 'stir the pot!!'   Obama-Biden et al in the U.S. have to be livid over this!!
Today's news:
Israeli tanks, armored personnel carriers, artillery forces deployed on border with Lebanon and on Lebanon's Golan.
Israel is building up huge emergency warehouses for food supplies.  72 hour food packages for a family of 4 - delivered by IDF to Israelis who are unable to leave their homes when the war starts.
Hundreds of thousands of Shiites and pro-Iran militias are coming to Hezbollah's aid.
Jordan is deploying its forces on the border with Israel due to problems in the West Bank.
If the U.S. helps Israel in their war against Hezbollah, U.S. bases in Iraq will be targeted per the Secretary General of the Iranian-backed Iraqi militia.
Netanyahu and some members of his cabinet, are taking action to make Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) "an integral part of the state of Israel."  They want to overthrow the Palestinian State.  60% of the West Bank is in the hands of Israel already.  Yes, this certainly would "destroy the two-state solution." (Good!)

Ο Νετανιάχου προχωρά σε προσάρτηση της Δυτικής Όχθης: Ο IDF δημιουργεί τεράστιες αποθήκες τροφίμων και αναπτύσσει δυνάμεις σε Γκολάν και Λίβανο - War News 24/7
Turkey is standing with Hezbollah in Lebanon.  President Erdogan called Netanyah's expansion of war to Hezbollah and Lebanon, "disastrous" and "described the West's support for Israel as "deplorable." And he called Netanyahu "mentally ill."
The U.S. warned Israel and Hezbollah that war between them could "trigger a regional war."

Ρ.Τ. Ερντογάν: «Ψυχικά άρρωστος ο Νετανιάχου» – «Αξιοθρήνητη» η στήριξη της Δύσης στο Ισραήλ - War News 24/7
Several more countries are telling their citizens to leave Lebanon - the U.S., Germany, Canada and The Netherlands are added to the list.  The U.K. already did this.

Hal Turner Radio Show - US, Germany, Canada, and Netherlands, Urge Their Citizens to "IMMEDIATELY Leave Lebanon"
The German Foreign Ministry called on German citizens in Lebanon to leave immediately.  The Dutch Foreign Ministry said travel to Lebanon is not safe.  Austria warned their citizens not to travel to Lebanon.
German foreign ministry calls on its citizens to leave Lebanon immediately
Canada asked their citizens to leave Lebanon "while they can".
Canada urges citizens to leave Lebanon citing unpredictable security situation | Reuters
The US, UK and Germany "advise citizens to leave Lebanon..."
"...France, Canada, Australia and Spain have also warned citizens against travelling there."
US, UK, Germany tell citizens to leave Lebanon as regional tensions rise | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera
"A quiet bureaucratic maneuver by Netanyahu's government has begun transferring control over the occupied territory from military to civilian leadership - violating international law.  The head of the far-right Religious Zionism party, Bezalel Smotrich is part of this move. 
Israel-Palestine: How Netanyahu's Far-Right Government Is Quietly Annexing the West Bank
"Israeli's Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday that the state must begin conscripting ultra-Orthodox Jews into the ranks of the IDF...Israeli's Attorney General has announced that the conscription process for 3,000 ultra-conservative Jewish Talmudic students must begin immediately."
Ισραήλ: Το Ανώτατο Δικαστήριο αποφάσισε την υποχρεωτική στράτευση των υπερορθόδοξων Εβραίων - War News 24/7
If Netanyahu announced that Israel was going to claim all of the land that God promised them, I wonder what Erdogan would think then?!  Being Muslim and not believing in the One True God - Erdogan doesn't want to accept what the God of The Bible has promised the Jewish people.  No Muslim does.  Taking back the West Bank is just one small section of land promised them by God.  And there are people in the U.S. Congress that think that man trumps God.  And the Biden administration pays no attention to what's in The Bible.
Some are calling Netanyahu 'unhinged' - it's not Israel's PM who is unhinged - it's the U.S. leaders like Obama, Biden, Blinken, and Austin who are against Israel and the Jewish people. 
Every day the news shows how much closer Israel is to the opening of another (or more  fronts) front.  And how more and more Muslims are joining Hezbollah to take on Israel - a coalition of peoples and nations.  Iran, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Turkey, etc. and many, many Shiite groups...all offering their support to Hezbollah.  Are they creating the Gog and Magog coalition of Ezekiel 38/39?
The U.S. is being threatened if it "continues to support this usurping entity and attacks Lebanon and attacks Hezbollah, America should know that it has made all its interests in the region and Iraq a target and a danger."

Hezbollah’s ‘axis of resistance’ allies waiting in reserve to fight Israel | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera
Will these threats keep the U.S. from helping Israel?  In the Gog and Magog war - America is nowhere to be found as an ally of Israel.
We may be very, very close to the Gog and Magog war.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!
Obama-Biden is not going to like Netanyahu and his people destroying their plans for a two-state solution!!  Good!
Their time is coming.