Chance (30 Jun 2024)
"A South Korean Study on "Non-Serious" Covid-19 Vaccine Adverse Events"

Hello John and Doves,
Yet another blockbuster study coming out of South Korea about the adverse effects of the Covid-19 "vaccine".
This South Koeran study looked at several million medical database records - specifically looking for adverse events (AEs).  But only "non-serious" ones.
These non-fatal AEs included "gynecological, hematological, dermatological, ophthalmological, otologic (ear), and dental problems following the Covid-19 vaccination."
In their results, they noted that "AEs for three months was significantly higher in vaccinated subjects than in non-vaccinated subjects, except for endometriosis.  The vaccination significantly increased the risks of all the non-fatal AEs except for visual impairment.  The risk of inner ear disease showed the highest HRs (hazard ratio) among the non-serious AEs following Covid-19 vaccination.
The non-serious adverse events at three months post-vaccination were significantly higher in 13 out of 14 adverse events - such as tinnitus, menstrual problems, alopecia (hair loss), gum disease, glaucoma, warts, herpes infections, endometriosis...
Heterologous vaccination (all "vaccines" being mRNA ones) "was associated with the increased risk of most of the non-fatal AEs."   Heterologous vaccinations showed increased risks of "menstrual disorders, and bruises (non-tender yellow-colored bruises on especially extremities).
The mRNA Covid-19 "vaccine" has historically the most possible side effects of any drug in history.
The researchers concluded that "The three-month risks of incidental non-fatal AEs are substantially higher in the Covid-19 vaccinated subjects than in the non-vaccinated."
They found that "non-fatal AEs after Covid-19 vaccination are relatively common...our study indicates that it is essential to consider potential side effects that persist beyond three months.
Here is the pdf on the research study:

Personally I have known several people who got shingles after receiving the "vaccine" - one person had a brain bleed and was hospitalized, another person lost their hearing in one ear (still not recovered), several people suffered severe hair loss, another person has a platelet/clotting problem after 5 mRNA injections, several women have menstrual bleeding problems...
These non-fatal events do, indeed, seem common!
Not a peep from our HHS, FDA, CDC, NIH about any of this.  And, of course, very little about the most serious problems - myocarditis, strokes, heart attacks, blood clots, deaths - If they report on myocarditis it's referred to as "rare".  
A big take away of these results is that even if one got the "vaccines" a good while ago, the risk of adverse events - lethal and non-lethal is on going....more events and worse are  possible in the future  Who knows how long the spike proteins, lipid nanoparticles, mRNA, etc. will last in a human body.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!