Chance (30 Jun 2024)
"Artificial Intelligence in the Military - What Can Possibly Go Wrong?"

Hello John and Doves,
As we all know, China is gearing up for war with the U.S.  And the CCP is looking at A.I. helping them out with the war against America.  And the U.S. military is looking at A.I. in helping them out with the war against China and Russia. 
What could possibly go wrong??
Elon Musk said that with artificial intelligence - we are summoning the demon.  He believes that A.I. is more dangerous than nuclear weapons.
June 22, 2024:  China's military is training an "AI Commander" in their laboratories.  "It was built by the National Defense University in Shijiazhuang."
The AI Commander has "already been involved in large-scale computer war games for the People's Liberation Army.  General AI is destined to make the critical war decisions in the future on the battlefields with the Americans."
If the PLA experiences a shortage of senior commanders during an actual war, AI Commander could step in.  "It is intended to operate when human commanders are not available in large-scale war simulations and exercises.'
"...AI did not make emotional or impulsive decisions and was quick to devise practical plans by recalling similar decision-making scenarios from memory...It searchers for satisfactory solutions, retrieves similar scenarios from memory and quickly formulates a viable plan...The AI Commander allows the PLA to identify new threats, draw up plans and make optimal decisions based on the overall situation when battles face challenges or produce degraded results.  Additionally, he learns and adapts from both wins and losses."
The U.S. military has been 'training' AI also.  Their approach is for "strengthening the organization environment within which out people can continuously deploy data analytics and AI capabilities for enduring decision advantage.  They are looking for decision advantages in superior battlespace awareness and understanding, adoptive force planning and application, fast precise and resilient kill chains, resilient sustainment support and efficient enterprise business operations."
DOD Releases AI Adoption Strategy > U.S. Department of Defense > Defense Department News
The Department of Defense's 2022 Nuclear Posture Review "states that current policy is to maintain a human in the loop for all actions critical to informing and executing decisions by the President to initiate and terminate nuclear weapon employment in all cases....and only human beings can authorize employment of nuclear weapons.

Back in May, 2023 bill S.1394 "Block Nuclear Launch by Autonomous Artificial Intelligence Act of 2023" was's still sitting in the Senate. The House bill H.R. 2894 was introduced April 2023 with the same title is still sitting in the House.  They were referred to the Armed Services Committee.  These bills prohibit the use of federal funds for an autonomous weapons system that is not subject to meaningful human control to launch a nuclear weapons or engage targets for the purposes of launching a nuclear weapon."
So the U.S. military could use AI to launch nuclear weapons...and just say no federal funds were used to do so.  It's interesting that these bills are still sitting with the Armed Services Committee - "someone" doesn't want these moving to the next step.
I believe that AI could be hijacked by demons - and used by satan for his own agenda.  There have been movies of AI taking over and trying to wipe out the human race.  I don't know what part AI will play in the Last Days - but it's being used more and more each day.
Here are some interesting titles:
Elon Musk isn't comfortable with AI:  "El Musk, Space X and Tesla founder, expressed grave concerns about artificial intelligence, deeming it a threat to humanity..."
"With artificial intelligence, we are summoning the demon.  You know all those stories where there's the guy with the pentagram and the holy water and he's like..yeah, he's sure he can control the demon, but it doesn't work out."  He tweeted in August that "A.I. is "potentially" more dangerous than nukes."
"If I were to guess to what our biggest existential threat is, it's probably that," he said, referring to artificial intelligence.  "I'm increasingly inclined to think there should be some regulatory insight, maybe at the national and international level just to make sure that we don't do something very foolish."
Elon Musk says artificial intelligence is like "summoning the demon" - CBS News
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!