Steve Coerper (25 Jun 2023)
"Covid Is Genocide - A Biological Warfare Crime - Dr. David Martin Speaks To The European Parliament"

If you are, or at least claim to be a Christian, then you have a duty to understand the times in which God has caused you to live.  The truth of our human condition may be ugly, but it's still the truth: - 21-minute video

The ugly fact is that nature has been weaponized against mankind.  Who is doing this, and how we should respond, are questions that must be addressed.

Hopefully, this video link will quickly be passed far and wide.  This is not just a genocide; it's a battle for the souls of men and what we become in these days will have eternal consequences.

(Note: isn't it interesting that, after almost 4 years of aggressive - and many would say "criminal" - suppression of the facts concerning the so-called "pandemic", YouTube allows this information from Dr. Martin on their platform?)